Here's to Blogger's user-friendly Search Box -
May readers be adventurous and enjoy exploring blogs in the New Year - ;))
I received an email from a new reader a while ago -
Asking/complaining about my acronyms -
And references -
And I replied -
Letters to name things - Thanks for telling me!! I forget sometimes that people may just drop in and not know what I'm talking about - and I have mixed feelings about that. On the one hand - I have the same complaint about some of the blogs that I visit - and I don't want to alienate new readers by referring to stuff they haven't read about. But on the other hand - a little bit of blog exploring is fun - and I hate to have to repeat myself ad nauseam for those who read me regularly. I do try to explain the abbreviations in the posts themselves but some of the titles of posts have abbreviations to save space because Blogger cuts them off at a certain point. AND - I think that some abbreviations are obvious - or at least they should be - ;)) LHQ is Left-Handed Quilter - and my LHQSQ has a page/tab at the top called LHQSQ - LHQ Sampler Quilt. The only other one what might be weird is LTRTCWSA - and for that one - you should follow the link - and read the post - haha - ;))Now I know what I have already written -
But what I don’t know -
Is how much of it -
You have already read - ;))
I have no way of knowing if you are a new reader -
Who wants/needs a bunch of links and explanations -
Or a regular reader -
Who already knows what I'm talking about -
And since I can't please everybody -
I have decided to please myself - ;))
GARDEN PARTY - anyone?? - ;))
So - in the spirit of the New Year -
And in the spirit of New Adventures in Blogland -
I am going to try to save myself
Time that I would rather spend SEWING -
And not bother much with labeling my posts -
Or linking back to some of my older posts -
Or explaining my references ad nauseam - ;))
I will continue to try to give credit where credit is due -
And will link to OTHER stuff and OTHER blogs, of course -
If you are interested in finding out more -
About anything on MY blog -
Such as the RACE -
Or Squirrels -
I’m going to ask YOU to do a bit of exploring -
RACE or race -
Or LTRTCWSA or ltrtcwsa -
Or SQUIRRELS or squirrels -
In the Search Box up top - ;))
And in case you don't already know -
EVERY Blogger blog has a Search Box up top -
It's that empty little WHITE box in the top LEFT corner -
Next to the ORANGE box with the WHITE "B" in it - ;))
You can search ANY Blogger blog -
For ANY thing -
ANY time -
And find out ALL KINDS OF STUFF - ;))
So try it -
RACE or race -
In my Search Box -
And read the posts -
Then go over to Linda's blog - HERE -
And do the same thing - ;))
We'll RACE YOU!! - ;))
Talk to you later - gotta go - gotta sew -