Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Tutorial - Five Stars Plus 5

This is a simple tutorial to show you how I went from this EQ7 drawing -

To this finished quilt top - ;))

First I decided that each "square" would be 2" - finished -
Because I had already chosen some pre-cut 2-1/2" strips -
And a stack of matching 10" squares -

Since the grid is 16 x 16 -
That would work out to a quilt top 32" x 32" -

I could have decided that each "square" would be 3" - finished -
In that case - the quilt top would be 16 x 3" - or 48" x 48"

At 4" per square - it would be 16 x 4" - or 64" x 64" -

I know it's MATH - but if you want to make one like it -
You can make it ANY size you want -
And you can substitute ANY color(s) you want -
I'll show you how many of each I used - as I go along -
YOU get to choose - it's YOUR quilt - ;))


For the FIVE STAR centers -
I wanted 4 red centers and one yellow one -
So I cut 4 red squares and one yellow square @ 2-1/2" x 2-1/2" -
To finish at 2" x 2"

I chose my favorite red and yellow strips and cut the squares from those -

I knew that I wanted the "Star Points" to be yellow -
But I wanted two different yellows -
One for the stars at the TOP LEFT and BOTTOM RIGHT -
And another yellow for the TOP RIGHT and BOTTOM LEFT -
So I took two different yellow strips (2-1/2") -
And cut 8 matching sets of HST (for Flying Geese units) from each of them -
For a total of 16 sets of HST (for Flying Geese units) -
4 blocks with 4 Flying Geese units each -
The TOP LEFT and BOTTOM RIGHT "Star Points" were from the same strip as the center square of the center star -

Next came the "Geese" -
8 red QST from the same strip as the center squares -
and 8 white QST from a white striped strip -
Make 8 Flying Geese Units with red centers and yellow "Wings/Sky" -
And 8 Flying Geese Units with white centers and yellow "Wings/Sky" -
They will measure 2-1/2" x 4-1/2" and finish at 2" x 4" -
The "Wings/Sky" parts make the "Star Points" -
And the Fifth Star - in the middle -
Is made automatically with the "Star Points" from the other four stars -
Which I think is kinda cool -

Then I cut two red squares @ 2-1/2" x 2-1/2" -
For the two "outer" corners of the RED stars -
And paired the red strip and the white strip to cut/sew 4 HST -
For the "inner" corners of the RED Stars -

Which left me with the corners for the WHITE Stars -
I decided to make them white and blue -
Then I cut two white striped squares @ 2-1/2" x 2-1/2" -
For the two "outer" corners of the WHITE stars -
I chose a blue 2-1/2" strip and paired it with what was left of the white strip -
And cut/sewed 4 HST for the "inner" corners of the WHITE stars -

For the "Inner" Stars - I chose blue and green -
And had to switch to 1-1/2" strips to get them the correct size -
I cut the strips from the 10" squares -
And made 20 Flying Geese Units in the 1-1/2" x 2-1/2" size -
To finish at 1" x 2" -
With green centers and blue "Wings/Sky" -

The Five Stars each have 4 corners - for a total of 20 -
So I cut 20 green squares at 1-1/2" x 1-1/2" -
Using 1-1/2" strips cut from another green 10" square -

At this point I sewed the center together in sections -
Because the Center Star shares parts with the Corner Stars -
It makes it difficult to just sew the "blocks" together into rows -

I started with the Center Star and sewed it together as if it were a 9-patch -
Since it is two "rows" deep -
I sewed the side sections together and then added them to the Center Star -

I sewed the two smaller/center Stars -
Added the Flying Geese Units on each side -
Then the Top Row -

I sewed the two smaller/center Stars -
Added the Flying Geese Units on each side -
Then the Bottom Row -

Then I sewed the three sections together -


Next came the borders -

My set of strips had two of the same green and two of the same yellow -
So I used those four strips to make the green/yellow checkerboard part of the border -
Sewed each green strip to a yellow strip then sub-cut them at 2-1/2" -
Sewed 4 sets of 8 starting with a pair with green on top and yellow on bottom -

Corner units are QST - Hourglass Blocks - 4-1/2" x 4-1/2" -
Cut/sewn from 2-1/2" strips of blue and yellow -
The same blue strip as the HST in the corners of the white stars and left over bits of the yellow strips used in the stars -

Two more 2-1/2" contrasting strips -
And a 2-1/2" strip cut from two of the 10" squares in the same prints -
For 16 QST - Hourglass Block halves -
White with red motifs/blue print -

Two more 2-1/2" contrasting strips -
And a 2-1/2" strip cut from two of the 10" squares in the same prints -
For 16 QST - Hourglass Block halves -
White with blue motifs/green print -

Then sewed the 16 Hourglass Blocks together - and put them on the wall -

From one yellow and one white striped 10" square -
I cut 4 squares at 5" -
Then matched them up - right sides together -
Cut them from corner to corner ONCE diagonally -
Sewed them together to make 8 HST -
And trimmed them to 4-1/2" x 4-1/2" -
(The diagram shows them as QST - Hourglass Blocks - but I made HST instead -
My quilt - my choice - LOL - ;))

The corners were cut from the 10" red square that matched the red corners in the center stars -
I cut the square in half both directions -
Making 4 squares at 5" -
Then decided NOT to trim them to 4-1/2" because they were going in the corners -
And the quilt top would be "squared" later -
And I might "need" that extra 1/2" - ;))

There you have it -

I started with 18 2-1/2" strips and a matching set of 18 10" squares -

Made the quilt top and had 5 strips and 8 squares plus some odds and ends left over - ;))

I may use those to make the backing - ;))

Most of the quilt top "units" were cut/sewn from the pre-cut strips -

And your results may vary depending on your color and design choices - ;))

You could decide to skip the "Inner Stars" and cut the "centers" at 4-1/2" x 4-1/2" -

Or make the "centers" as 4-patches -

As long as the "centers" FINISH at 4" x 4" -

Any number of variations would work - your choice - ;))

If you copy/paste the top image to a word processing document on your computer -

You can resize it - print it out - and color it to suit yourself -

Count up the number of "units" you need -

Decide what size you want to make it -

And play with it -

Have FUN!! - ;))

Talk to you later - gotta go - gotta sew -

Monday, February 27, 2017

Design Wall Monday - 2/27/17

Check out all of us who link up with Judy L. -
At Patchwork Times on Mondays.
We have some awesome stuff on our walls!
Well, THEY do - ME - not so much sometimes - ;))

On my wall today -
Five Stars Plus 5 -

I had the "borders" decided - but spent some time auditioning corner options -
I knew that I wanted the red squares in the corners -
But the other three spots were giving me trouble -
I tried yellow/white HST in the larger size and a large yellow square -
But switched that out with a yellow/yellow HST possible maybe -

I liked the yellow/white HST but wasn't sure about the "inner" block -
And then decided to go back to my original blue/yellow Hourglass Block -

Turned the yellow/white HST this way -
And liked it - ;))

Tomorrow I'll post a tutorial on how I went from an EQ7 drawing to the final top - ;))

And yes - I know the red squares in the corners are bigger than they should be -
I did that on purpose -
The corners squares were supposed to be cut at 4-1/2" x 4-1/2" -
But because I used a 10" square -
I just cut it in half both ways -
Got four (4) squares at 5" x 5" -
And didn't see any point in trimming off the extra half inch -
When I was putting them in the "corners" -
And would be "squaring" the quilt top later -
You never know - I might need that extra half inch - ;))

Talk to you later - gotta go - gotta sew -

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Introducing the LEFT-EZE™ Rule

EDIT UPDATE - 4/5/17 - Please see the revised tutorial -
LEFT-EZE™ Rule - Revised Tutorial - HERE -

EDIT UPDATE - 4/4/17 -
Please note that ALL of the photos shown in this post are of the PROTOTYPE -

The FINAL VERSION is slightly different - I made THREE CHANGES -

On the prototype - the 1/4" line on the longest side is a solid line.
On the final version - it is a dashed line.

When you turn the ruler so that you can read "This Way For a STRAIGHT Cut" -
The prototype has the numbers in the second column reading 6-5-4-3-2-1 -
In the final version - the numbers read 1-2-3-4-5-6 from top to bottom.-

The prototype has no "hang-hole".
The final version has a "hang-hole" in the BOTTOM LEFT corner.

I plan to redo the demo with new photos soon - ;))


Today I would like to introduce you to my new LEFT-EZE™ Rule -

And - just for fun -

I thought that I would do it in the form of a REVIEW -

Using the same format that I used to review the EASY SQUARE JR.
By Sharon Hultgren - EZ Quilting - Antioch, TN USA 37013
www - dot - ezquilting - dot - com - Made in China
My FAVORITE SQUARE ruler - ;))

So here goes -

Note - these instructions are written in LEFT-EZE™.
If you are right-handed - just reverse the directions.

Today I want to show you a REALLY cool little ruler -

That Left-Handed Quilters can use - hassle-free - ;))

My kind of ruler!! - ;))

But first -

Disclaimer -
I AM in no way affiliated with the manufacturer or supplier of this product -
I did not get this product for FREE in exchange for a review - aka barter.
I designed it and I paid for it.
I have no intention of slandering or libeling anyone or any product.
I am simply stating my opinions - I could be wrong - you may disagree.
My opinions are based on my experience with this product - your results may vary.
I think that about covers it - if I missed something - let me know.
I am not a lawyer - and I am just trying to cover my assets. - ;))

It’s called the
By A Left-Handed Quilter™
www - dot - alefthandedquilter - dot - blogspot - dot - com
Made in the U.S.A.

Description -
This little ruler is a LEFT-Triangle - ;))
It can be used to cut Half-Square Triangles (HST) -
And Quarter-Square Triangles (QST) for Hourglass Blocks -
And Flying Geese units -
And Squares -

It measures 6-1/2” - technically 6-7/8" - but who's counting -
It has a 1/4” dashed line on the longest side -
The "hypotenuse" - for those of you who remember your high school Geometry class -
So that you can see that the "black tip" in the top right corner is a "dog-ear"
That will be automatically cut off because you are using pre-cut strips -
(The prototype has a solid line -
this is the first of 3 "cosmetic" changes that I made for the final version.)


Where you can get it -

For now this ruler is not available in your Local Quilt Shop -
Or from your favorite suppliers -
It is only available from me - on my blog(s) -
You can email me at - caseyq19 - at - gmail - dot - com -
And put "Waiting List" or "Order" in the subject line -
I will accept personal checks until I get set up with PayPal -
Please understand that it's only me -
And this will all be very "low-tech" until it becomes "high volume" - ;))


For those of you who may have missed my previous posts -

And for those of you who are interested -

I approved the final artwork on the LEFT-EZE™ Rule and placed my first order last week. The guy at the manufacturer's office said that he "will be in touch in a few weeks, once I have a more accurate estimated production date."

Good thing I'm not in a hurry -

Or holding my breath - LOL - ;))

And I set up another (private) blog for my "shop" - LEFT-EZE™ Rule. I used it to post stuff for my "beta-testers" - so it has the "beta" tutorials. I was going to edit those down and wait to add new photos with the final version of the ruler - but since I don't know long it will take to actually GET them - I think I'll work on editing the tutorials down and just post them with the "prototype" photos. The changes that I made were only "cosmetic" - so the prototype is not that different from the final version. I'll try to get those done by the end of the week - so stay tuned - I'll let you know when they are ready - and when I change the blog to "public". (It is now "public".)

That way you can hop on over to the other blog and check out the design - and see how the ruler works. Then - if you're interested - I can make up an old-fashioned "waiting list". If you email me at "caseyq19 - at - gmail - dot - com" and put "Waiting List" in the subject line - I can add you to the list of "waiting" customers. I can't take "pre-orders" - because it's just me - and I don't have "PayPal" or the "postage" set up yet. This is all going to be very "low-tech" until it becomes very "high volume".

I'll be asking $24.95 plus shipping/handling and sales tax if applicable. I think it's a fair price - similar sized rulers on the market are priced at the same amount - and mine is special - different - LEFT-HANDED - and worth it - ;))


What I LIKE about this ruler -

It's LEFT-HANDED!! - ;))

The easy-to-read numbers down the right side -
The fact that the numbers read 1-2-3-4-5-6 from TOP to BOTTOM -
In the LEFT Column when you can read "This way for a DIAGONAL cut" -

And that they also read 1-2-3-4-5-6 from TOP to BOTTOM -
In the LEFT Column when you can read "This way for a STRAIGHT cut" -
(The prototype has the numbers in the second column reading 6-5-4-3-2-1 -
this is the second of 3 "cosmetic" changes that I made for the final version.)

And it has a "hang-hole" in the BOTTOM LEFT corner - ;))
The prototype has no "hang-hole" - this is the last of the 3 "cosmetic" changes that I made for the final version.)


What I DON’T like about this ruler -

There are no “grabber” thingys on the bottom side -
So it MAY slip on your fabric -
But that’s not really something that bothers me -
Because I don't usually have that problem -
And there are plenty of options available if you choose to add them - ;))


How to USE the ruler -

Start with some pre-cut strips -
Either from your scrap bag -
Or of the size stated in a pattern -

You can also determine the width of strip that you want/need -
By using the LEFT-EZE™ Rule SIZE CHART -
Available on the LEFT-EZE™ Rule blog - HERE - ;))


How I use it to Trim the Selvage end of the strips -

For Half-Square Triangles (HST) -
Start with two contrasting strips -
(I used pre-cut 2-1/2" strips for these demos)
And place them right sides together -

Line them up with a horizontal line on your cutting mat - to keep them straight -

TURN the ruler so that you can read - This way for a STRAIGHT cut -

Line it up with a vertical line on your mat -
With the strip between ANY two horizontal lines -
Using the other horizontal lines to keep the ruler straight -

Cut UP the LEFT side of the ruler -


How I use it to Cut a Half-Square Triangle -

TURN the ruler so that you can read - This way for a DIAGONAL cut -

Line up the RIGHT side of the ruler along the cut edge of your strips -
With the "black triangle tip" at the TOP RIGHT of the strip -
The bottom of the strips will line up with a line on the ruler depending on its width -
Using the other horizontal lines to keep the ruler straight -
Cut UP the LEFT side of the ruler -

TURN the ruler so that you can read - This way for a STRAIGHT cut -

Line up the RIGHT side of the ruler along the cut edge of your strips -
With the "black triangle tip" at the BOTTOM LEFT of the strip -
The top of the strips will line up with a line on the ruler depending on its width -
Using the other horizontal lines to keep the ruler straight -
Cut UP the LEFT side of the ruler -

Sew them along the LONG/DIAGONAL side - starting at the "flat" end -

Press them open -

Use the diagonal line going from the corner to the center of the long side to trim the dog-ears -
The numbers down the LEFT column will help line up the bottom of the HST -
(The prototype has the numbers in this column reading 6-5-4-3-2-1 -
this is the second of 3 "cosmetic" changes that I made for the final version.
In the final version - the numbers will read 1-2-3-4-5-6 from top to bottom.)

Does it "measure" 2-1/2" square? -

Yes, it does - ;))


How I use it to Cut Quarter-Square Triangle units -
To make an Hourglass Block -

Using two contrasting strips - right sides together -
TURN the ruler so that you can read - This way for a DIAGONAL cut -
And make the first cut exactly the same way you did for a HST -

TURN the strip -
So that the cut edge lines up with a horizontal line on your cutting mat -

Using the DIAGONAL lines -

Line up the RIGHT side of the ruler along the cut edge of your strips -
With the "itty bitty - black triangle tip" at the BOTTOM LEFT of the strip -
The TOP of the strips will line up with a line on the ruler depending on its width -
Using the vertical lines to keep the ruler straight -
Cut UP the LEFT side of the ruler -

TURN the ruler -
Line up the RIGHT side of the ruler along the cut edge of your strips -
With the "black triangle tip" at the TOP RIGHT of the strip -
The bottom of the strips will line up with a line on the ruler depending on its width -
Cut ACROSS the TOP side of the ruler - From LEFT to RIGHT -

One HST - and two QST -

Sew the QST along the SHORT side -
Keeping the same fabric on top -
And sewing from the "flat" side -

Press them open -

Match the two sides -

Stitch them together -

Trim the dog-ears -
Using the diagonal line going from the corner to the center of the long side -
The numbers down the LEFT column will help line up the bottom of the block -

Do they measure 4-1/2" square - Yup! - ;))

If you cut QST in sets of two - you can start and end with a HST - ;))


How I use it to Cut a Flying Geese Unit -
I took two of the QST from above to use as the "Geese" units -

And used two strips - folded over onto themselves -
Because you need two "mirror image" "Wing" sections -
You need both a LEFT and a RIGHT wing for each "Geese" section -

I layered the pink strip on top of the brown strip -
To cut four layers at the same time -

Cut the HST just like before -

Opened them up -

Matched them to the "Geese" units -
With the "flat" sides at the top of the unit -
And the "pointy" ends at the bottom -

Started with one of the RIGHT "Wings" -
And put it on top of the "Geese" -
Right sides together -

Stitched them together -

Pressed them open -

Added the LEFT "Wing" -

Pressed them open -

See the "extra" pink on the right side -
That's for your 1/4" seam allowance when you sew it to the next unit or block -
So you don't cut off the point -

Trim the dog-ears like you did the HST -

And it measures 2-1/2" x 4-1/2" - ;))

So -
From two pre-cut 2-1/2" strips - I made all of this -

Which can be arranged to make this -

Or this -

Or this -

The possibilities are endless - ;))


Bottom line -

No more "flipping" rulers - OVER - BACK - or SIDEWAYS -

The numbers go in the CORRECT direction -

And are EASY TO READ -

Because -

It's LEFT-HANDED!! - ;))

Would I recommend this ruler?

YES - ;))


Talk to you later - gotta go - gotta sew -


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