Sunday, July 31, 2011



Hand Appliqued
Hand Quilted
16” x 16”
Started – 1979
Applique Cut – 1979
Applique Thread Basted – 1979
Hand Appliqued – Needle-turn – 1979
Hand Quilted - 1979
Binding on - 5/20/11
Scrap Card – Not Available
Scrap Heart – Not Available

Pattern – Hibiscus by EA of Hawaii

This was my first attempt at Hawaiian Applique.

I had originally intended to make a pillow – but after all of these years – I thought it might better serve as an example and reminder to me as to how far I have come in my hand-applique skills.

051611 – Design Wall Monday –
Needs more quilting – I’ll do that by machine – try out my sewing machine’s “hand” look quilting stitch.
Needs binding – I’ll bind it and use it as a sample for my series on binding quilts.

052311 – Design Wall Monday –
Almost DONE
I decided against doing any more quilting and bound it with pre-packaged pre-folded red quilt binding.

Then I used some twill tape - some small brass safety pins - and a chopstick - to hang it.
It still needs a label.  (No heart or scrapcard on this one - rats!)

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Scrappy Saturday - 7/30/11

This Saturday I wanted to share a “Scrappy” project I have been working on –

BUT - I didn't get the photos edited in time - 

SO - it will have to wait until Monday.

Instead - I'll show you the cutest little Jelly Roll Quilt - 

I saw it last week on Donna's blog – QUILTING STUDIO ADVENTURES - here -

And - I just HAD to make one!

Thanks, Donna!

It's called the JELLY ROLL RACE QUILT - watch the video - it's terrific!!


So - here's my version - 

Start with a jell roll -

OR - in my case - two jelly rolls and a FQ -

I got mine at Walmart ('cuz it was an experiment) - 
And the first one was short by one - 23 instead of 24 -
So I needed another one - and wound up with 47 -
You only need 40 - so now I have 7 extra -
And you wonder how I get scraps???

So here they are - all sewn – end to end -
I used straight seams - not diagonal -

They seemed to want/need a bucket/bin -
So I obliged -

And when they say to start with a full bobbin - 
It's NOT a RULE!!
But it is a GREAT TIP!!
I came up 3-1/2" - repeat - 3-1/2" SHORT!!

Foursie -

Eightsie -

Sixteensie -

Thirty-twosie -

Isn't that just the CUTEST!!

Yeah - I thought so too!!


Talk to you later - gotta go - gotta sew - and edit those dang photos

Friday, July 29, 2011

Oldies but Goodies - 7/29/11


I'm SEWING again today -

so I thought I might post more links to some of my OLDIES BUT GOODIES.

Some of my readers may be new to this blog -

And I know that new readers don't usually go ALLLLLL the way back to the beginning of a blog -

They usually just start reading and try to keep up with the current stuff -

SO -

I'm thinking that some of you may not have read some of my earlier stuff -

SO -

If you're interested - take a look at thIs

LHQ - Supplies

While you read - I'm going to SEW -

I'll show you what I'm making on Monday -

Talk to you later - gotta go - gotta sew -

Thursday, July 28, 2011

LHQ - Binding - Pre-Packaged - Pre-Folded


Note - these instructions are written in LEFTISH.
If you are right-handed - just reverse the directions.

This little demo will show you how I put the binding on my Hawaiian Applique Hibiscus – Red on White – UFO – using pre-packaged – pre-folded

Wrights® Double Fold Quilt Binding –

It comes pre-folded – off-center – so one side is a tad bit wider than the other.
The narrower side is “supposed to” go on the “top” -
and the wider side is “supposed to” go on the “bottom” –
so that the stitching is covered when the binding is sewn to the front and folded to the back.

You all know by now that I don’t necessarily do what I’m “supposed to” do –
so you wouldn’t be surprised if I didn’t do it the way you’re “supposed to”

BUT – in this case – I am going to do EXACTLY what I’m “supposed to” do –
only I’m going to do it BACKWARDS.

I told you before that I usually sew my binding to the back and then fold it to the front –

So –

I’m going to find the wider side – sew it to the back – and then fold it to the front
Just like I showed you all before –with just a few minor differences.

First – because the piece is so raggedy –
(It’s only been in the UFO pile for 32 years - since 1979 –
It’s probably older than some of my readers – Yikes!!)

I flipped it over to the back side - and marked a line in blue around the outside of the appliqué –
and another line an inch away from that –

The outermost line will be a “placement” line – NOT sewing line –

It will show me where I want to “place” the binding as I stitch it down
(I don’t like to trim my piece until AFTER the binding is on – just in case.)

Unfold the wider side and pin it to the back of the piece –
See the fold line?  Isn’t it cute?  That’s what I’m going to sew on –

See the fold line at the bottom?
If I make a diagonal fold and line that up with the blue line I drew on the edge of the piece –
It will “mark” my needle stopping point - right THERE at the top –
Take a couple of backstitches - 

Remove the piece from the sewing machine –
Fold the binding UP -

And then back DOWN –
Lining up the edge of the binding with the blue line on the edge of the piece - 
And pin it -

And stitch it –

From the “front” – since I’m doing it back to front -

What the miter will look like -

I left long “tails” like before – at the beginning and end -

Unfold the binding prefolds – and match up the ends -

Press a crease in both sides as a stitching guide -

PIn the ends together -

Stitch the seam and test it – BEFORE YOU TRIM THE SEAM –
Nope – don’t like it – a little loose on the fit -

Redo it – MUCH BETTER!

OK – NOW I can trim that seam –
And press it open -

Aren’t those miters going to be pretty?

View from the front – looking GOOD!

OK – NOW I trim the batting and backing (actually the front) even with the binding –

All trimmed up -

Fold the binding to the front -

Pin the first side -

And the bottom -

Make the miter - remember "bottoms up" -

Pin it -

Stitch it -
I chose my decorative "blanket stitch" - and - because it "zigs" the wrong way -
I have to set my machine to "mirror" the stitch "left to right".

THANKS, ROSE!! - for making me aware of the fact that I neglected to mention this step before - SO SORRY!!

Always test the stitch first - to make sure it does what you want it to do - 
and goes the way you want it to go!!

All done!!

Close-up from the front -

Close-up from the back -
Missed some spots – but overall not too bad -

Add some twill tape and a chopstick -

And it’s ready to hang -

As a side note - here’s a link to a site that explains the difference between Single-Fold Binding and Double-Fold Binding – if you’re interested –


So - according to this site -

DOUBLE FOLD is the stuff we make -
and fold ONCE before we sew it to the quilt 

and - 

SINGLE FOLD is the stuff made by bias tape makers
(or prepackaged as DOUBLE FOLD) - 
and has TWO folds in it.

And they wonder why we're confused!!!

Talk to you later – gotta go – gotta sew –

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

LHQ - Hand Sewing - Invisible Stitch

LEFT-HANDED QUILTING - Hand Sewing - Invisible Stitch

Note - these instructions are written in LEFTISH.
If you are right-handed - just reverse the directions.

Here’s another cool little stitch I used to sew up the open side on the “envelope” - style coaster -

It’s an invisible hand stitch.

Slip your needle in “under” the seam allowance on the inside –
To hide the quilter's knot

Make sure the needle comes “out” at the bottom fold -
Then go straight across and “in” at the top -
Point needle at an angle to come “out” again at the bottom a little bit away

Take another couple of stitches

Then another couple of stitches
See the thread on the left?
That is the point where the ladder stitches end

Do that all the way to the end -
Then sew a couple of stitches on top of each other to end it -
Clip the thread –

The first bunch of stitches were done using the ladder stitch –
The last bunch of stitches were done using the invisible hand stitch -
Can you see that last bunch of stitches?

NO?? - well – that’s EXACTLY what we want – isn’t it??


Talk to you later – gotta go – gotta sew –


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