Friday, December 31, 2010

So here's the Plan...

Since I listed my UFOs in order of "Almost Done" to "Barely Started" - I decided that the goal is to move everything to the top of the list - and then off it altogether and over to the "Done" list.

I thought maybe I could start by combining a couple of groups - or by doing some "chunks" -

  • 1 - Need(s) Label - Heart - Scrap Card - Story and Photo
I could finish this one up and also show you how I make labels - FPP hearts - scrap cards - and do my stories.  (You can take your own photos.;))

  • 6 - Need(s) Story and Photos
These should go rather quickly - except for the photo part.  I try to take photos of my quilts as I go along - I love the "in progress" shots.  But - it is such a pain to take photos of a finished quilt in my house.  I hang quilts on a curtain rod/pole on the wall behind the sofa in the family room - but moving the sofa - climbing up on a ladder to hang a quilt - climbing back down to take the photo - climbing back up to take it down and turn it around so I can take a photo of the back - and then back down again - etc. - is a royal PITA.  Maybe I'll try to put them on the bed instead (yeah, right - after I actually make the bed, huh?)

  • 11 - Need(s) Quilting and all of the above
  •   1 - Need(s) Basting and all of the above
If I basted the one - I could add it to the group that needs to be quilted (11).  Free Motion Quilting is not my "thing".  Other blogs are far better at explaining how to do that - check out "A Few Scraps" and "The Free Motion Quilting Project" - you will find them listed on the right sidebar.  So those may be on my UFO list a while longer - until I feel like practicing my quilting (or send them out to be quilted).  I do want to finish the baby quilts, though - I would like the "babies" to get them before they hit kindergarten!!

  •   2 - Need(s) Back - Sleeve - Binding - Label and all of the above
Then I could work on these two and show you how I make the Back - Sleeve - and Binding.  Then baste them both and add them to the "Need Quilting" pile - along with all the other ones!!  Free Motion Quilting appears to be looming up ahead - don't you think??  I don't mind sending out my larger quilts to be quilted - but it seems silly to me to send out the smaller crib/wall hanging sized ones.  I've quilted twin-sized quilts before - I should be able to quilt the little ones myself!!

  •   3 - Need(s) Top Construction - Layout - Borders - etc.
  •   9 - Need(s) Block Construction - Partially Done - etc.
  •   5 - Are Cut and Need to be Pieced - Not Started Yet - etc.
  • 13 - Are Prepped - Pre-washed - Pressed - and Ready to Cut - etc.
The ones that are partially done (3 + 9) - pieced - can be worked on "whenever" - I'm not worried about those.  I'm also not going to worry about the ones that haven't been cut out yet (13) - or the ones that are cut and not started yet (5) - their time will come.  And I have to have something to play with!!  (Did I just say that I'm not worried about 30 of my UFOs??  No wonder I have so many!!)

  •   6 - Are Cut and Basted for Hawaiian Applique - Wallhangings - etc.
  •   7 - Are Cut and Basted for Hawaiian Applique - Pillowtops - etc.
The Hawaiian Applique ones (6 + 7) are a challenge.  Those were basted many years ago and just waiting for me to "retire" and have the time to do them "by hand" in the traditional Hawaiian manner.  I mean no disrespect (by the way, disrespect is NOT a verb) - and truly wish that I could complete each and every one of them by hand.  But - since I can no longer do handwork - I will have to figure out a way to finish them by machine.  Perhaps I could use them to practice some "threadpainting" techniques - that might be fun!!  I will have to think about that - which is probably why these are still UFOs!

So - I think that covers all 64 of these suckers.  Now I  have a "PLAN".  I know, I know - "PLAN" is a four-letter word - and - "The best laid plans..." and all of that - but it's better than nothing - and that will have to do for now.

Wish me luck!!


The Plan - Revised -

The stuff I wrote above was drafted before I received Heather's comment about the UFO Challenge on Patchwork Times.

Interesting idea - but I can't decide if I want to formally join the challenge or not.  I'm not much of a joiner - and I do march to a different drummer - so maybe not this time.  On the other hand - Judy is asking for twelve different UFOs and I already have eleven "Stages of Completion" - so if I add one more "Stage"  - I could work on my "Stages" while everyone else tackles one quilt.  That might actually work.  I think I'll try that!!

And I even have the perfect title for "Stage 12" - 

Whatever I Feel Like Working On Today!!


Talk to you later - gotta go - gotta watch that ball drop!!

    Good Grief!!

    I HAVE SIXTY - FOUR (64) UFOs!!

    SIXTY - FOUR!!

    OH CRAP!!

    I had to make a speadsheet to keep track of them all - the rows have the names of the quilts - the columns across the top have the steps that need to be completed.

    So - in order of "Almost Done" to "Barely Started"  -

      6 - Need(s) Story and Photos
      1 - Need(s) Label - Heart - Scrap Card - Story and Photos
    11 - Need(s) Quilting and all of the above
      1 - Need(s) Basting and all of the above
      2 - Need(s) Back - Sleeve - Binding - Label and all of the above
      3 - Need(s) Top Construction - Layout - Borders - etc.
      9 - Need(s) Block Construction - Partially Done - etc.
      6 - Are Cut and Basted for Hawaiian Applique - Wallhangings - etc.
      7 - Are Cut and Basted for Hawaiian Applique - Pillowtops - etc.
      5 - Are Cut and Need to be Pieced - Not Started Yet - etc.
    13 - Are Prepped - Pre-washed - Pressed - and Ready to Cut - etc.
    64 - TOTAL

    SIXTY - FOUR - not counting the three that I gave away and the two that are not even mine (I'm just helping out) - in eleven different "Stages of Completion".  Geez!!

    But I guess it could be worse - I didn't count the ones that are in my head -

    OR -

    the patterns that I want to try
    the fabric collections that I want to use
    the charm packs
    the jelly rolls
    the layer cakes
    the fat quarters
    and the kits - in my "Fabric Stash Room".  That would get the number up to a couple of hundred, for sure!!  And the stuff Santa brought me - forgot about that!!


    OK - Kitty - breathe!!

    So now I need a plan of attack...

    Talk to you later - gotta go - gotta plan - and breathe -

    MY LIST OF UFOs - 2011

    UFOs listed by "Stage of Completion" - in order of "Almost Done" to "Barely Started" - 

    (NOTE - To see updates to this list - and to track my progress - please click on the "UFO - 2011" Page Tab above.  It's easier to update the "Page" than it is to find this post every time I make a change - Thanks!!)

    Stage 1.  Need Story and Photos
    • Space - The New Frontier
    • Big & Bold
    • Serenity
    • Topsy Turvy
    • Springtime - Mystery Quilt
    • Christmas Lights
    Stage 2.  Need Label - Heart - Scrap Card - Story and Photos
    • B/W/R Pillowcases (5)
    Stage 3.  Need Quilting and all of the above
    • Sampler Quilt
    • Watercolor Heart
    • Top/White
    • Red/White/Blue
    • Purple/Green/Black
    • Pre-Stenciled Wholecloth
    • Lion - H
    • Lion - C
    • Lion - J
    • Cottage Wall Hanging
    • No-Waste Windmill (Pungkin Peer Charm Pack)
     Stage 4.  Need Basting and all of the above
    • Summer Lotus
     Stage 5.  Need Back - Sleeve - Binding - Label and all of the above
    • Rules
    • Placemats/Throw
     Stage 6.  Need Top Construction - Layout - Borders - etc.
    • Citrus Chips
    • B/W/R - Red Cosmo
    • B/W/R - Black Stripe
     Stage 7.  Need Block Construction - Partially Done - etc.
    • Floral Applique
    • Kuuipo
    • Kimono Girl
    • Blended Quilt
    • Watercolor Vase
    • Batik Dimes
    • B/W/R - Red Stripe
    • B/W/R - Black Cosmo
    • B/W/R - Multi
     Stage 8.  Cut and Basted for Hawaiian Applique - Wallhangings - etc.
    • Woodland Lei - stone blue on white
    • Iris - white on blue
    • Breadfruit - stone blue on white
    • Hibiscus - red on white
    • Hibiscus - pink on white
    • Hibiscus - red on white
     Stage 9.  Cut and Basted for Hawaiian Applique - Pillowtops - etc.
    • Hibiiscus - red on white
    • Ulu - green on muslin
    • Pineapple - green on muslin
    • Hibiscus - dark yellow on light yellow
    • Ginger - red on white
    • Stephanotis - black on white
    • Woodland Lei - peach on rust batik
    Stage 10.  Cut and Needs to be Pieced - Not Started Yet - etc.
    • Hexagon Floral Tablecloth
    • Bali Wonder Blocks
    • Bali Pops - Mint Chip
    • Jungle - Black
    • Jelly Beans
    Stage 11.  Prepped - Pre-washed - Pressed - and Ready to Cut - etc.
    • Ties
    • Salt Water Taffy
    • Taxi
    • Willow
    • Fairy Frost Confetti
    • SSCQ
    • Suzanne
    • Mama's Garden Quilt Kit
    • Fudge Brownie - Wall Hanging Kit (2)
    • Spring Blue & Yellow
    • Double Peony Table Topper
    • Hearth & Home Walll Hanging
    Stage 12 .  Whatever I Feel Like Working On Today!!

      Thursday, December 30, 2010


      Here's wishing you all a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

      May it be filled with love - good health - good wishes - happiness - prosperity - and, of course, a whole lot of quilting!!

      My New Year's Resolution - 

      I'm not very good at New Year's resolutions.  Let me rephrase that - I like to make New Year's Resolutions - I'm just not very good at keeping them.  But I like to make them anyway - just for fun!!

      So this year - I resolve/hope to finish a bunch of UFOs.  Notice I did not say how many - just a "bunch" - because you know how it goes - good intentions and all of that.  It gives me a goal - but is kinda vague.  It is still a resolution - and a very good one I think!!  I might actually be able to do it this year - or at least I can give it a good try!!

      First I need to update a list of UFOs that I made a while ago.  I tried to categorize them by "stage of completion" - thinking it might be easier to finish the ones "almost done" first.  (My version of "making a list - and checking it twice", I guess.)  It was no surprise that my list was much longer than I thought it would be - and now I have to add a few more things to it.  So the list part should be fun - or depressing - not sure which one yet.

      Second - now that I'm doing this blog - I have a different kind of incentive - I can finish a UFO and post my progress as I go - to show you TWIDI - The Way I Do It.  Maybe I can kill two birds with one stone - as the saying goes.  That might be interesting since you should know by now that I don't necessarily do anything the way you're "supposed" to do it (because I'm special)!!

      And I always thought it would be great to write a Left-Handed Quilting book - totally backwards.  Start with making a label and then binding the quilt and working backwards to choosing a pattern and fabric.  I thought it might make more sense and make it easier to make decisions as you went along if you knew where you were going to end up.  Maybe this project will turn out to be a version of that - we'll see.

      So in the next few days - I need to update my UFO list - so I can get a good start on Saturday.  Even if my resolution only lasts a month - I should be able to make some sort of dent in the pile, don't you think??  Or is it just wishful thinking??  Finishing UFOs??  What am I thinking/drinking/smoking??

      Talk to you later - gotta go - gotta sew -

      Thursday, December 23, 2010


      I received this Christmas Card the other day from a dear friend - and want to share it with you -

      Please click on this link -  Christmas Card


      Talk to you later - gotta go - gotta wrap some presents -

      Wednesday, December 22, 2010

      Slow Poke Quilter

      I found a new site - Mama Made This - Slow Poke Quilter.

      WOW!! - a lady after my own heart!!  And with a bunch of followers who feel the same way!!  I will need to take some time to read her posts - but in the meantime - I added her badge to my sidebar.  I think she agrees with me that quilting is not a race - it's a process - and it's supposed to be fun!!

      So - Rule #3 - Remember - Quilting is Supposed to be FUN!

      In previous posts I have sometimes mentioned my sister-in-law.  We share a birthday - I am five years older.  We are both left-handed.  She is a gourmet cook - I am a quilter.

      I am always amazed at her culinary expertise and she is impressed with my quilts.  I think we both agree that it is easy to impress the other because neither one of us knows how to do what the other one does.  She makes her elaborate meals look easy - but I can't do it for the life of me.  I  make quilts that are easy, but look complicated - and she is impressed with what appears to be a time-consuming and difficult hobby.

      She knows that I have "worked" on some of my quilts for years.  She doesn't realize that I was "working" on others at the same time - and that the "work" was actually "play" and I was having FUN!!  I didn't finish them because I didn't WANT to - it would have been like packing up all of my toys and going home - and who wants to do that when they are having such a good time!  My quilts are fun to play with and I actually miss them when they are done.

      Now that she has discovered quilting - we have something else to share.  Only problem is - she won't be as easy to impress anymore.  Oh, darn!!

      Talk to you later - gotta go - gotta sew -

      Tuesday, December 21, 2010

      Santa's Sisters

      Silly me - THIS is the quilt I should have entered in the Weekly-Themed-Contest.
      I didn't realize that the entries did not have to be completed in the last year - until I submitted "Christmas Lights" and used up my "One entry per person per week."  This quilt won a 1st Place Blue Ribbon in a local quilt show a few years ago.

      Santa's Sisters

      Santa Paula - top left
      Santa Monica - top right
      Santa Barbara - center
      Santa Anita - bottom left
      Santa Fe - bottom right
      Machine Pieced
      Machine Appliqued
      Foundation Paper Pieced
      Machine Quilted
      53" x 53"
      Started - August 1998
      Completed - December 1998

      Pattern - My Family
      Incredible Quilts for Kids of All Ages
      Pg. 89-95
      By Jean Ray Laury (c) 1993
      Row 2-1 - Santa Paula
      Row 2-3 - Santa Fe
      Row 3-2 - Santa Anita
      Row 5-4 - Santa Monica
      Row 6-1 - Santa Barbara

      Years ago I saw a Christmas Card that read "Merry Christmas from Santa and his Family".  Inside was a drawing of Santa and his brothers and sisters with names like - Santa Maria, Santo Domingo, etc.  I laughed - and put it back on the rack - but never quite forgot it.  I thought that it would make a great quilt someday - but I had absolutely no idea how to do it.  That was until I found Jean Ray Laury's book - Eureka!  It had cartoon pictures of faces! Now I could make blocks with girl faces and names of various cities that started with "Santa".

      I chose Santa Paula - Santa Monica - Santa Barbara - Santa Anita - and Santa Fe from a long list of possibilities.  They became "Santa's Sisters".

      They say that sometimes the quilt talks to you - and this one definitely talked to me.  I wanted the layout to match "Blueprint 12C" in the book - Design Your Own Quilts - by Judy Hopkins (c) 1998 - Pg.54-55.  (I told you I have a lot of books!)

      Like this -
      Top Left -              X
      1/2 step over -       X
      whole step over -      X
      whole step over -         X
      1/2 step over -              X

      But it insisted on going in an "X" formation.

      Once the faces decided where they wanted to go - the rest sort of designed itself - step by step.  Hourglass Blocks worked perfectly as alternate blocks - framing each face.  Foundation Paper Pieced trees - ornaments - and hearts - filled in "holes" along with other blocks as needed.

      Of course, the interfacings and fusibles that were available for applique back then were not near as soft as the stuff that is available now - so the faces are extremely stiff and I have to be very careful how I fold it so as not to crease a face.  Don't want the "girls" to have any more wrinkles than necessary, right?

      I had so much fun making this quilt.  It's one of my all-time favorites.  Someday I want to make one of "Santa's Half-Brothers" - with San Juan - San Francisco - San Diego - San Clemente - and San Jose.

      P.S.  You have to be careful ironing on the "Holly Letters" used in the title block - they can melt.  Ask me how I know!!

      Talk to you later - gotta go -

      Friday, December 17, 2010

      Dear Heather -

      Dear Heather -

      My stats show your blog ( as a "Referring Site" to my blog.

      THANK YOU!!

      I have tried - and tried - and tried - to visit your blog - but EVERY time I try - your page flashes ON my screen - and then - just as quickly - flashes OFF again.  (Sometimes I think my computer acts like a spoiled brat - if it would just do what I told it to do - everything would be fine!!)

      Anyway - I can't tell if the problem is on my end or on yours.  I have no other way of contacting you - and I thought you should know.  (And I'm crossing my fingers that you are actually reading this!)

      I did manage, however, to visit your ETSY site - and I want to know where you got the sewing machine in your drawing - that sucker sure looks left-handed to me!!



      Anyone else out there having the same problem - or is it just me??  Let me know.  I'd really like to check out her blog and see/know what she thinks of mine.  Thanks.

      Talk to you later - gotta go -

      Thursday, December 16, 2010

      Vote For Me

      Last Sunday night I checked the Quilting Gallery website and took a look at their Weekly-Themed Contests.  I voted for Julie Fukuda's Tablerunner for the Holidays - barely making the voting deadline - Sunday 11:59PM - but better late than never, right?  Right!  Julie - you got my vote.  I love your stuff!!

      Anyway - while I was there - I checked out the contest for this week - Christmas (non-tablerunner).  I don't usually enter contests like this - BUT - imagine my surprise when I realized that I have a quilt that would actually qualify!!

      So - I entered it.  Wow!!  What fun!!

      My quilt is called Christmas Lights - and it was a 3-part Mystery Quilt featured in last year's Quiltmaker magazine (July/August 2009 - Sept/Oct 2009 - Nov/Dec 2009).  It was designed by the wonderful and fabulous Bonnie Hunter!!  I love her site -  She makes the most amazing scrap quilts and has her famous "Scrap-User's System".  She has also completely redone the instructions for this quilt and posted them on her website - for FREE!!

      Anyway, I made it for Grandson #1 - whose birthday is December 23.  He helped me with the layout and recognizes scraps that I used in this quilt as having come from other quilts that I made for him and his brothers.

      When we were putting the blocks on the design wall - I tried to explain that I wanted the blocks to be "on point" with the red points on the left and right.  He finally understood when I said "First Base" and "Third Base"!!  Boys!!  Gotta luv 'em!!

      Then he laughed when he saw the border fabric I chose - half-eaten gingerbread men and cartons of milk!!  (You never know what you will find in my stash - but I knew that fabric would come in handy one day!!  It made me laugh when I saw it - and I just had to have it!!)

      My friend, Mary, quilted it with a "Christmas Lights" all-over pantograph pattern - it seems like that pattern was just made for this quilt.  I truly love how it turned out.

      This quilt was my first attempt at a magazine Mystery Quilt - and - my first HUGE scrap quilt - and it didn't even make a minor dent in my scrap stash!!  Go figure!!  Guess I'll just have to make more scrap quilts, huh?  

      So - anyway - VOTE FOR ME!!

      Voting is open Friday to Sunday 11:59PM - HERE.


      Talk to you later - gotta go -

      Wednesday, December 15, 2010

      Another reader - YAY!!

      Wow!!   Now I know of four people who actually read my left-handed quilter blog -

      #1 - My favorite sister-in-law
      #2 - Quilting, Sewing GRANNY - my very first "Follower"
      #3 - Julie Fukuda (Japan) - who commented on my "Surfing" post

      and now...

      #4 - Rose - who commented on my last post - and my second "Follower"

      YAY!! - another Flipping Lefty!! 

      We need a slogan -  like -
      Flipping Lefities Unite!!
      But that comes out F.L.U - so gotta think some more on that one!!

      I'm really hoping that other left-handed quilters out there in blogland will find this blog eventually - and that they will leave comments - and tell me/us what gives them trouble - what they need help with - and also share their own tips and tricks.  There is always more than one way of doing things - and this blog is only my way.

      Talk to you later - gotta go - gotta take some photos for my next couple of posts.  It's a real pain trying to explain this stuff without photos!!  Sure glad I figured out how to do that!!

      Monday, December 13, 2010

      LHQ - Rotary Cutting - Basics

      LEFT-HANDED QUILTING - Rotary Cutting - Basics

      Note - these instructions are written in LEFTISH.  If you are right-handed - just reverse the directions.



      General Info

      • Press the fabric before you cut it
      • You want the cuts to be straight and accurate
      • Always use a rotary cutting mat
      • Always use acrylic rulers - roll the rotary cutter blade against the edge of the ruler
      • Always press down firmly on the rotary cutter
      • Always cut AWAY from your body
      • Caution - Blades are sharp!! - Safety First!!

      Placement of the Rotary Cutting Mat
      • Place the rotary cutting mat so that the #1/1 square is in the bottom right hand corner - you want the numbers to run along the bottom from right to left and from bottom to top (unless you are comfortable counting backwards).

      First Cut - Straighten the Edge 

      Method # 1 - Right (Wrong) Hand Cut
      • Fold the fabric in half lengthwise
      • Line up the fabric with the fold on a grid line on the cutting mat with the raw edge to the right
      • Place the ruler on the fabric with the right edge close to the raw edge of the fabric
      • Line up the ruler with a vertical grid line and the top of the ruler hooked to the top of the mat - 90 degree angle to the fold
      • Hold the ruler with your left hand
      • Using your right hand - cut along the right-hand side of the ruler trimming and straightening the raw edge
      • ADVANTAGE - trimmed edge is on the right

      Method # 2 - Left-Hand Cut
      • Same set-up as Method #1 - but instead of using your right hand - go around to the other side of the cutting table and use your left hand to cut along the left-hand side of the ruler trimming and straightening the raw edge 
      • ADVANTAGE - trimmed edge is on the right

      Method # 3 - Left-Hand Cut
      (the method used in the Overview - and my favorite method)
      • Fold the fabric in half lengthwise
      • Line up the fabric with the fold on a grid line on the cutting mat with the raw edge to the right
      • Place the ruler on the cutting mat with the left edge just over the raw edge of the fabric
      • Line up the ruler with a vertical grid line and the top of the ruler hooked to the top of the mat - 90 degree angle to the fold
      • Hold the ruler with your right hand
      • Using your left hand - cut along the left-hand side of the ruler trimming and straightening the raw edge
      • ADVANTAGE - trimmed edge is on the right

      Method #4 - Left-Hand Cut
      • Fold the fabric in half lengthwise
      • Line up the fabric with the fold on a grid line on the cutting mat with the raw edge to the left
      • Place the ruler on the fabric with the left edge close to raw edge of the fabric
      • Line up the ruler with a vertical grid line and the top of the ruler hooked to the top of the mat - 90 degree angle to the fold
      • Hold the ruler with your right hand
      • Using your left hand - cut along the left-hand side of the ruler trimming and straightening the raw edge
      • DISADVANTAGE - trimmed edge is on the left - and the trimmed fabric must be turned so the trimmed edge is on the right when you go to make the second cut

      Second Cut - Cutting Strips
      • Fold the fabric in half lengthwise with the trimmed edge on the right
      • Line up the fabric with the fold on a grid line on the cutting mat with the raw edge to the right 
      • Decide how wide you want the strip to be (3" in the photo below)
      • If the strip width is less than the width of the ruler - place the ruler on the fabric with the right edge of the fabric at the width line - the fabric showing under the ruler will be the finished cut strip (3" in the photo below)
      •  If the strip width is greater than the width of the ruler - use the grid lines on the cutting mat to align the ruler
      • Line up the ruler with a vertical grid line and the top of the ruler hooked to the top of the mat - 90 degree angle to the fold
      • Hold the ruler with your right hand
      • Using your left hand - cut along the left-hand side of the ruler
      • Turn the strip and cut off the selvage

      Sub-Cuts - Cutting Patches - Squares & Rectangles
      • Press the strips if necessary
      • Line up the strip with both a horizontal and vertical grid line on the cutting mat
      • Decide how wide you want the patch to be (3" in the photo below)
      • Place the ruler on the fabric with the right edge of the fabric at the width line - the fabric showing under the ruler will be the finished cut square or rectangle (3" in the photo below)
      • You may also use the cutting mat grid to measure the patch -
      NOTE - That's why you want the numbers on the cutting mat to run from right to left.
      Example - If the raw edge starts at the 2" grid line on the mat - you can/may cut 4" rectangles on the 6" - 10" - 14" grid lines - just count 2 + 4 (6) + 4 (10) + 4 (14) - etc.  You are NOT counting backwards - just from right to left.
      • Line up the ruler with a vertical grid line and the top of the ruler hooked to the top of the mat - 90 degree angle to the fold
      • Hold the ruler with your right hand
      • Using your left hand - cut along the left-hand side of the ruler

      There you have it -

      I'm not saying that it is the best way - or the easiest way - it's just The Way I Do It - TWIDI - another new word - sounds like Tweety!

      I use all four methods at various times.  Sometimes I use the grid on the mat.  Sometimes I don't use the grid lines on the mat at all.  Sometimes I just use the grid on the ruler.  It depends.

      Bottom line - I just do what works for me.  So I'm making that -

      Rule #2 - Do What Works For You!

      Talk to you later - gotta go - gotta sew -

      Sunday, December 12, 2010

      LHQ - Rotary Cutting - Overview

      LEFT-HANDED QUILTING - Rotary Cutting - Overview

      Note - these instructions are written in LEFTISH.  If you are right-handed - just reverse the directions.

      Rotary Cutting seems to be the most confusing part for a new left-handed quilter.  Everything seems to be backwards and we have a hard time wrapping our heads around it.

      One of the special challenges lefties face is that we do some things left-handed and we do other things right-handed.  It's all part of our coping mechanism in this right-handed world.

      Lefties don't do EVERYTHING left-handed.

      So I have a quick quiz for you.

      When you use a knife to cut some veggies on the cutting board - which hand do you use?

      If you answered - right hand - skip this whole thing.  You can/may use a rotary cutter right-handed and follow the "directions" as they are written for the right-handed world of quilting.

      If you answered - left hand - you have come to the right place.  Keep reading.  I will try to take the mystery out of this part.

      First, I'll give you a quick Overview (below) - then I'll go into more detail in the next post - LHQ - Rotary Cutting - Basics.


      STEP 1 - 

      Gather your pressed fabric - rotary cutting mat - rotary cutter - acrylic ruler

      STEP 2 - 

      Line up the fabric on the mat
         Fabric to the left
         Ruler on the right

      STEP 3 - 

      Straighten the raw edge of the fabric

      (I can think of 4 different ways to do this - but you get no choice in this part.  Choices are included in the next post.)

      Cut along the left side of the ruler

      STEP 4 -  

      Cut strips in whatever size you want - (3" is shown in the photo below)

       STEP 5 -

      Cut strips into squares, rectangles, triangles, etc. - (3" shown in photo below)


      Next up - 

      LHQ - Rotary Cutting - Basics

      Details if you want them.

      Talk to you later - gotta go -

      Tuesday, December 7, 2010

      Time Out -

      Time Out - 

      Due to a family emergency this blog will be delayed a bit.

      When things calm down - I'll be back to post the Rotary Cutting stuff.

      So - kind readers - please bear with me.  Thanks.

      Gotta go -


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