Monday, November 21, 2011

QJ - Floral Applique - Part IX-A

QUILT JOURNAL - Floral Applique - Part IX-A


It's Monday - so it's time to link up with Judy L. at Patchwork Times - and her Design Wall Monday. Be sure to check out what everyone else is doing. ;))

OK - I had to figure out what to do about the center HST columns -

Couple of problems there –

Who knows what sewing machine I used to sew the top HST row on the bottom section - 
Or how accurate my ¼” seam allowance was back then –
Chances are it's NOT the same as it is now - (we all know my 1/4" comes and goes ;))
So getting those center columns to line up with both the top HST row and the bottom section - 

EXACTLY - is just NOT going to happen ;)) -


The bottom section has two blocks and a center HST column –

While the new section has an extra HST column in the middle –

That’s an extra 2” that has to come out of the center block -

No wonder it looks so crowded!

Say it with me guys –


OK –

What if -
I take the center columns of HST out entirely –

Nah – that looks like it’s missing something –
Besides the blocks aren’t wide enough all by themselves –
And the seam allowances would eat up another inch -
They need SOMETHING between them to fill the space -

What if -
I take ALL of the HST out –
Make the sashings narrower -
And replace them with a dark solid gray?  -

Nah – that looks too dark to me –

What if -
I take ALL of the HST out –
And replace them with the dark mottled gray?  –

Nah – it’s better than the dark gray solid –
But it looks too ORDINARY to me -

What if –
I keep the HST – as is -
But just replace the top columns with a skinny strip of dark mottled gray?  –

Yeah –

That might work!!

Talk to you later - gotta go - gotta sew -

1 comment:

Heather said...

Fantastic! You know I thought it looked fine before, but I do think I like your new plan even better. That's going to be SO gorgeous! Here's wishing you no more "oh crap" moments on this little beauty... Have a great week!


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