Sunday, January 10, 2021

Breakfast -

Fresh out of the oven - 


And it was SO YUMMY -
I got the larger sized biscuits by mistake -
Instead of the "regular" ones -
So there was a bit too much "bread" - 
And not enough "extra stuff" - in my opinion - 
But I can fix that -
And adjust the proportions next time -
Usually the first time I make a new recipe - 
I will follow it to the letter - 
Then decide which parts I want to tweak - 
To make it more to my liking - 
So the next time -
It will be EVEN YUMMIER - LOL - ;))
Talk to you later - gotta go - gotta sew - 


Sue said...

I second Jennifer....yum!

Gene Black said...

I am the same way with recipes - first as written- then tweaked until I reach satisfaction with it.

Wish I could eat that kind of thing. It looks pretty good.

Katie said...

That may not be a quilt, but it is equally tempting! I'm not much of a breakfast person (I think it's the sticky sweet syrup that turns me off?), but I may have to try that. Only problem is the bacon. I make a pound, we eat a pound...

Frog Quilter said...

Looks yummy. More eggs please lol.

Cindy Quilts said...

Looks yummy! I am interested to know if you had any leftovers and if you did how was it the second day?

Barbara said...

Yay, you do eat! For a minute there, I wondered if you only spent time sewing. Lol. I love, love, love monkey bread.


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