Tuesday, April 23, 2013

BOB's Tuesday Toast - 4/23/13

I think that for the next few weeks -

On Tuesdays -

BOB will offer a small toast -

To Quilting Bloggers -

Everywhere - ;))

It will be called -

BOB’s Tuesday Toast -

Here is the first one - ;))


Here’s to Quilt Bloggers -
Who use small fonts on their blogs -
Making them difficult to read -
May they always have 20/20 vision -
And never need tri-focals - ;))


BOB wears tri-focals -

And finds these blogs -

Extremely difficult to read -


BOB has a trick -

That she uses on these blogs - ;))

It works on her laptop -

And may or may not work on your computer -

So she offers it here hoping -

That maybe it does - ;))

Try this -

Hold down the CONTROL key -
Bottom left corner on my laptop -


While holding it down -

Hit the PLUS key once or twice -
Top row after the number keys -
Or the ADD key if you have a numeric keypad -

It should enlarge the text a bit with each “hit” - ;))

Then -

To return back to “normal” size -

Hold down the CONTROL Key -


While holding it down -

Hit the MINUS key once or twice -
Top row after the number keys -
Or the SUBTRACT key if you have a numeric keypad -

It should reduce the text a bit with each “hit” - ;))

It works on my laptop -

And I use it -

If I like the blog -

But not the size of the font - ;))

But then again - it’s probably just me - ;))


Katie M. said...

small fonts are one thing, but what about the blogs that have the backgrounds that have colors or textures?? I have come across a few that are really hard to read because of color or simply the busy background....

A Left-Handed Quilter said...

You're getting ahead of me - that's next week's toast - ;))

Julie Fukuda said...

It works! Does it work to make pictures larger too!
Actually, being very nearsighted, I only have to remove my glasses and can see almost any print... except those blurry numbers in the word verification, and I can push the arrow until there is something I can figure out.

A Left-Handed Quilter said...

YAY! I'm not sure if it works on pictures - but sometimes if you click on the photo shown on a blog - it will go to "full screen" and show a bit larger. I say "sometimes" because if you click on any photo on MY blog - it won't work - because I re-size all of my photos down before I post them to save on Picasa/Google storage space - ;))

Linda C said...

Oh I am liking this hint! Never knew that so it is a keeper. Conversely I just tried it and it looks like I can use the negative/minus sign to make the font smaller for those blogs that need it. The ones that my newly fixed eyes can read from clear across the room? THX, BOB!

A Left-Handed Quilter said...

You are VERY WELCOME - now if I could just figure out what to do with the ones that have funky backgrounds and moving and/or scrolling bits - BOB would be a happy camper - ;))


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