Sunday, June 26, 2022

Backstep -

Before I play with the layout - 
For my Upstairs/Downstairs - Wild Things
I wanted to start webbing my Upstairs/Downstairs - Pastel Brights
Since Linda - Art In Search - has hers laid out and ready to web - 

I need to catch up - LOL - ;))
Here - the blocks are all in "row" order - 
Starting with the bottom row - 

And on the ironing board - 

Ready to sew together -

In progress -

I'm almost there - 
But when I finish - 
I'll save the "reveal" - 
Until Linda posts hers - 
Then we can compare - ;))
Talk to you later - gotta go - gotta sew - 

1 comment:

Gene Black said...

It will be fun to see the difference between the two quilts.


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