Monday, April 30, 2012


Check out all of us who link up with Judy L. at Patchwork Times on Mondays.
We have some awesome stuff on our walls!
Well, THEY do - ME - not so much sometimes - ;))


Note - these instructions are written in LEFTISH.
If you are right-handed - just reverse the directions.

I’m taking a bit of a break –

From Blogger -

And my LHQSQ - Left-Handed Quilter Sampler Quilt -

And my LHQSQ blocks -

I have another dozen or so blocks that I haven't shown you yet -

But first -

I have three JRRQ tops -

That need backs - sleeves - binding - labels - scrap cards - hearts - story - photos -

And - of course - quilting - ;))

One of them is 2” shorter than the others -

Who knows why -

Maybe because it isn’t pressed yet -
(1/16" x 32 strips is all it takes to come up short) -

I’ll have to measure it again later - ;))

They are overlapping -

‘Cuz the dang things are bigger than my wall -

I had wanted to lay out all three backs at the same time -

But - oh, well -

I'll just start with the middle one -

Anyway -

For the backs -

I have three matching FQ packs -

Each pack has 8 pieces - 2 yds -

I know that I'll need more fabric -

But that should get me started -

Now for some quick MATH -
That dreaded four-letter word -
OH - the HORROR - ;))

THIS top measures 50 x 64 -

And -

Because I want 6 - 8” extra in each direction -

I want the back to be at least 56 x 70 -

So - FQ up on the wall -
After I trim the selvages -

If they go 20” across -
I can put them 3 across - 3 x 20 = 60
With 2 seams at 1" per seam - 60 - 2 = 58
Need 56 - so it will be wide enough -

And then 18" down -
I can put them 4 down - 4 x 18 = 72
With 3 seams at 1" per seam - 72 - 3 = 69
Need 70 - so it will be 1" SHORT!!

I’m an inch SHORT - AGAIN!

See how I do this?

It's AMAZING how consistently I come up SHORT -

I just have to laugh -

My solution -

Add a strip across and between -

The first and second rows of FQ -


So - now for real -

The middle JRRQ on the wall -
With the 8 FQ pinned on top of it -
This way I can SEE if the back is big enough -
SEE the top peeking out from under the FQ? - ;))

Three across Rows 1 & 2 -
Leaving a gap for the filler strip -

One on the left side of Rows 3 & 4 -

And it looks like -
One chunk (36 x WOF) should fill in the bottom right corner -

Now for the filler strip -

It has to make up the inch -

That I am SHORT - ;))

Plus one inch for seam allowances -
1/2 inch each side -

Plus two inches extra for insurance -

So that I don’t come up short AGAIN -

So that means the strip has to be 4” -


Sure hope so -

‘Cuz I’m going to cut that sucker at 4” -

And see what happens -

Wish me luck - ;))

Talk to you later - gotta go - gotta sew -

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Sorta bummed -

I had another post scheduled for today -

But it will have to wait -

I'm sorta bummed -

Because it happened AGAIN -

And I am about to rant -

And may swear a little -

Just warning you - ;))


Remember when I told you that I got annoyed -

Because someone (who shall remain nameless) -

Left me a comment on one of my posts -

Asking for more detailed close-up shots of my applique -

And the detailed close-ups that she was asking for -

Were on the LINKED POST -


Well - it happened AGAIN!


#1 - The other day - I read another blogger's post about "no-reply commenters" with the standard "Change the setting in your profile" solution. I also read through the comments - and one was from a blogger who had a problem similar to the one I had last August. The commenter asked if anyone had a solution - so - being the nice, helpful person that I usually am - I left my comment saying that I had had a similar problem and had written two posts that might help - and supplied the LINKS to both of the posts.

Well - the blog author emailed me thanking me for answering the commenter's question. I emailed her back - you're welcome - and asked if she had read my posts. She answered that she hadn't had the chance - and that there was a difference between blah-blah and blah-blah. I emailed her back - "Didn't think so." It was OBVIOUS that she had NOT read my posts - or she would have known that I KNOW the difference between blah-blah and blah-blah.

So that was #1!!

#2 - Then - I linked up to my usual Thursday link-up like I have been doing for over a month now. I usually post a “teaser” photo and then LINK back to the ORIGINAL post with ALL of the photos - because it WAS the ORIGINAL post with ALL of the photos!! DUH!!

Well - I get a comment from the linky hostess - the one who sponsors the linky party - that she thought it was interesting that the bird was looking away. HUH?? I emailed her that it was supposed to be a side view and that if it looked like he was looking away - that was NOT what I had intended - and asked if she had checked the LINK - because the close-up shots show more detail. She emailed me back that she would check the link after dinner.

SO -


It reminds me of Forrest Gump - "Stupid is as stupid does."

But who is being stupid -

Them or me?

Am I wasting my time trying to help?

Am I wasting my time setting up links?

So - I’m sorta bummed -

And I have to ask myself -

Why in the hell do I even bother linking to stuff that no one bothers to READ??

PEOPLE - I take a LOT of time drafting/editing/linking my posts!!

The LEAST that you CAN do -

And I HATE that phrase because it implies that you ONLY want to do the VERY MINIMUM - BUT - it certainly applies here - because the LEAST that you CAN do -

Is read a post and IGNORE the links -




Because 9 times out of 10 -

The answer to your comment is IN THE LINK -


And - besides -

I think that it is downright RUDE!!

The LEAST that you SHOULD do -

Is read a post AND the damn links -

That's WHY they ARE THERE in the FIRST PLACE!!

Talk to you later - gotta go - gotta sew -

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Brief Tutorial - HTML Code

For my tech-savvy readers -

Check out these other sites -


For my not so techy readers -

As promised -

A bit of HTML code -



It’s just like SHORTHAND - remember that? ;))


Go to the post we made yesterday called “TESTING 1-2-3” -

We are going to EDIT it -

Make sure that you are in HTML mode - (not COMPOSE) -


Go down to where you typed the word “BOLD”
Put your cursor on the “B” - “LEFT CLICK” and hold down the left button -
and drag it across to the “D” - then release the button -

The whole word should be HIGHLIGHTED in BLUE -

Go to the top of the post -
“LEFT CLICK” on the “B” next to “HTML” -

See the CODE? -
The first “b” with brackets is the beginning of the code for BOLD
(I can’t type the actual code - or BLOGGER will INTERPRET it - ;))
The last “b” with the SLASH and brackets is the END of the code for BOLD
The stuff between the two codes is - of course - going to be BOLD - ;))

If you ever get an error code that you are missing a “TAG” -
You have half of the code somewhere - and will have to type in the missing one -
or delete the extra half that you have - ;))


Do the same thing with ITALICS -

Go down to where you typed the word “ITALICS”
Put your cursor on the “I” - “LEFT CLICK” and hold down the left button -
and drag it across to the “S” - then release the button -

The whole word should be HIGHLIGHTED in BLUE -

Go to the top of the post -
“LEFT CLICK” on the “I” next to the “B” -

See the CODE? -
The first “i” with brackets is the beginning of the code for ITALICS -
(I can’t type the actual code - or BLOGGER will INTERPRET it - ;))
The last “i” with the SLASH and brackets is the END of the code for ITALICS
The stuff between the two codes is - of course - going to be ITALICIZED -

If you ever get an error code that you are missing a “TAG” -
You have half of the code somewhere - and will have to type in the missing one -
or delete the extra half that you have - ;))


Same thing with UNDERLINE -

Go down to where you typed the word “UNDERLINE”
Put your cursor on the “U” - “LEFT CLICK” and hold down the left button -
and drag it across to the “E” - then release the button -

The whole word should be HIGHLIGHTED in BLUE -

Go to the top of the post -
“LEFT CLICK” on the “ABC” with the line through it - next to the “I” -

See the CODE? -

Gotcha!! - ;))

The first “strike” with brackets is the beginning of the code for STRIKE THROUGH -
(I can’t type the actual code - or BLOGGER will INTERPRET it - ;))
The last “strike” with the SLASH and brackets is the END of the code for STRIKE THROUGH
The stuff between the two codes is - of course - going to be STRUCK THROUGH -

If you ever get an error code that you are missing a “TAG” -
You have half of the code somewhere - and will have to type in the missing one -
or delete the extra half that you have - ;))

So - now we’ll fix it -

Go to the top of the post and “LEFT CLICK” on COMPOSE -
To switch to COMPOSE mode -

See that little bitty arrow in the middle of the bottom line?
“LEFT CLICK” on that and the box will get LONGER -
NOT wider - just LONGER - ;))


Oh, hell - nevermind - ;))

But do you see how BLOGGER used the code to change how the words look?

Cool, huh?

Up at the top - find the U with the underline under it -
Use that to UNDERLINE stuff -
Funny that you can’t do it in HTML mode -
But you can if you are in COMPOSE mode -

Anyway -

Skip a few lines and type in UNDERLINE - again -
Then HIGHLIGHT it and “LEFT CLICK” on the U with the underline at the top -
“LEFT CLICK” in some WHITE SPACE to turn the highlight off -
Go back to HTML mode -
And check out the CODES for UNDERLINE -
They are simply a "U" with brackets for the beginning -
And a "U" with a SLASH and brackets for the end -

BLOGGER will let you STRIKETHROUGH in HTML mode -
Weird, huh?

Go to the top -
“LEFT CLICK” on SAVE - (for next time)
To get back to the POSTS page -
And then back to the DASHBOARD -
That isn’t called DASHBOARD anymore - ;))

Anyway -

Enough useless information for this post -

You can use the TESTING 1-2-3 post to PLAY on your own -

Play with the ADD OR REMOVE A LINK -

See if you can link to someone’s blog -

See if you can link to mine -

Copy the address at the top of this post -

Like I showed you yesterday -

Or this one -

I still have to play with INSERT IMAGE -

I usually do links and photos while in COMPOSE mode -

For no particular reason -

Just habit -

And I really need to work on my system for downloading photos to my computer -
EDITING them - and then getting them on my blog.

I used to edit them using PICNIK - but that went away April 19 -
and I haven’t even looked yet to see what replaced it - if anything.

I’ve been trying to use PICASA - but it is really clunky.

I need to find some shortcuts - it takes me FOREVER.

You all know how I feel about computers -

I love them if they behave and do what they are supposed to do -

I hate them when they make my life difficult -


More importantly -

The more time I spend futzing with them -

The less time I spend actually sewing -

And I really would much rather SEW!! ;))

I have an idea that will let me do just that -

I'll tell you about it tomorrow - ;))

Talk to you later - gotta go - gotta sew -

Friday, April 27, 2012

Brief Tutorial - COPY and PASTE

For my tech-savvy readers -

Check out these sites -


For my not so techy readers -

And because a couple of my readers emailed me with questions -

Today I want to do a quick lesson on COPY AND PASTE -

I was going to include a brief tutorial on some very basic HTML code -

But this post got waaaaaaaaaaay too long -

So tomorrow will be the bit on HTML code - ;))

I am by no means an expert -

But I do know SOME things -

And am more than willing to share -

So -

First we need to CREATE A NEW POST -
We’ll call it “TESTING 1-2-3” -
Clever title - don’t you think? ;))

If you are not sure how to do that with the new BLOGGER INTERFACE -
Check out Quilter BOB for a quick trip around the new BLOGGER INTERFACE -

And step-by-step instructions for creating our “TESTING 1-2-3” post - ;))

In the text area -

Hit ENTER three times -

Then type - (in caps) -
BOLD - then hit ENTER twice -
ITALICS - then hit ENTER twice -
UNDERLINE - then hit ENTER twice -

Then - go back to the top -
“LEFT CLICK” on SAVE first -
Then PREVIEW - to see what you have -
Then CLOSE the PREVIEW tab at the top of the screen -

That should take you back to the POSTS page -

Find the post that you named TESTING 1-2-3 -

Hover your mouse over the name until it shows an UNDERLINE -
Then “LEFT CLICK” on it -
Or the EDIT below the post title - if you can see it - ;))

I don't know if you write your posts in HTML or COMPOSE -
But for this session - let's try HTML - just for fun -
So “LEFT CLICK” on the tab in the top left corner that says HTML -

Where you hit the ENTER key three times -
If you don't see anything but white space - that's good -
BUT if you see a bunch of "br" with brackets - that’s HTML code -
BR means “Line BReak”

Go to the right side under POST SETTINGS and find OPTIONS at the bottom -
“LEFT CLICK” on that -
Then at the bottom under COMPOSE MODE -
“LEFT CLICK” in the bubble that says INTERPRET TYPED HTML -
And under LINE BREAKS -
“LEFT CLICK” in the bubble that says "Press ENTER for line breaks" -
Then “LEFT CLICK” in the “Done” box -
That should clean up the screen a bit - ;))

Anyway - now we can use this POST -
For a quick lesson on COPY and PASTE -

PLEASE notice that I said COPY - NOT - CUT -

If I CUT something -

I usually NEVER see it again - ;))

So anyway -

This is How I Do It - ;))

“LEFT CLICK” in the big white space in the middle of the post box -
To find your cursor - looks like a giant capital I - ;))

Move your mouse to the ADDRESS BOX at the top -
So that the cursor cross bar - is somewhere in the MIDDLE of the ADDRESS -
Then “LEFT CLICK” - the whole address should turn BLUE -
Then "RIGHT CLICK" somewhere in the middle of the BLUE area -
A little box should show with a bunch of choices -
“LEFT CLICK” on the word COPY - to choose it -
Then “LEFT CLICK” in your post box -
(Or wherever you want to go - wherever it is that you want to PASTE what you have just COPIED) - to put the cursor there -
"RIGHT CLICK" to get the little box again -
“LEFT CLICK” on the word PASTE -

You should have a copy of the address in the text box - ;))

If the blue turns to white before you are done -
just “LEFT CLICK” in some WHITE SPACE somewhere to “clear it” and try it again -
(WHITE SPACE is any white/blank area where you will NOT actually DO something - ;))

If you are trying to COPY something else -
Put your cursor/mouse at the beginning of "it" -
And “LEFT CLICK” to "anchor" your cursor - then - holding down the LEFT BUTTON -
"drag" your cursor/mouse over the "it" you are trying to copy -
It should all turn BLUE - (be HIGHLIGHTED in blue) -
When you get to the end of "it" - release the left button -
If you miss a letter or two - just start over -
When "it" is HIGHLIGHTED in blue -
Move your cursor to somewhere in the MIDDLE of "it" -
"RIGHT CLICK" - choose COPY - then PASTE like I explained above.

Try to COPY the line that says “UNDERLINE” - just for fun - ;))

Faster than trying to write it down and re-type it back in the link - huh? ;))

Tomorrow we can play with a bit of code -

But for now -

Talk to you later - gotta go - gotta sew -

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Applique Thursday - 4/26/12

This is Thursday -

And - for over a month now -

I have decided to link up with Angie -

A Quilting Reader's Garden -

on her Applique Thursdays -

Check out her blog for some wonderful applique eye-candy -

My contribution this week is from my Ellen Heck class -

QJ - Floral Applique -


And - if you are a New Reader -

Welcome!! ;))

If you would like to "catch up" on the series -

Please go to the top of the page -

Find the tab/page that says -

QJ - Floral Applique -

And start at the beginning - ;))

Talk to you later - gotta go - gotta sew -

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

And Before That -

Yesterday I did a review on Blogger’s New Interface -

Which I don't appreciate being crammed down my throat -

And just in case you think that I am an old fuddy-duddy -

Who does not accept change well -

You're right - I AM!!

I have teenage grandchildren -

So - yeah - I am older than most of you -

Especially you guys with toddlers - ;))

And -

YES - I don’t accept change as well as I used to -


You have to realize -

That I have been dealing with computer changes -

Since before most of you were born -

For example -

Right now we have WORD 2010 -

And before that was WORD 2007 -

And before that was WORD 2000 -

And before that was WordPerfect 6.0 -

And before that was WordPerfect 5.1 -

And before that was WordPerfect 5.0 -

And before that was WordPerfect 4.2 -

And before that was WordPerfect 2.20 -

And before that was WordPerfect 1.0 -

Along with WordStar - 7.0 Revision D -

And before that was WordStar 7.0 -

And before that was WordStar 6.0 -

And before that was WordStar 5.5 -

And before that was WordStar 4.0 -

And before that was WordStar 3.0 -

And before that was WordStar 2.26 -

And before that was VolksWriter -

And before that was EasyWriter -

And before that was WANG -

And then there are Laptops -

Desktops - with hard drives -

Desktops - with 3-1/2” floppies -

Desktops - with 5-1/4” floppies -

Winchester drives - with 8” floppies -

And before that -

Pencils and paper -

Typewriters and adding machines - ;))

So - yeah - I have gone through some computer changes -

Some - for no apparent reason -

And I really DON’T mind -

If it makes things better -


I'm just plain getting TIRED -

Of having to spend my time -

RELEARNING the same old stuff -




Because -

Someone somewhere decided to CHANGE it -




I just want to SEW!! ;))

Talk to you later - gotta go - gotta sew -

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Review - Blogger's New Interface

Review - Blogger’s New Interface
Note - these instructions are written in LEFTISH.
If you are right-handed - just reverse the directions.

Today I want to review Blogger’s New Interface -

But first -

Disclaimer -
I am in no way affiliated with the manufacturer or supplier of this product - to my knowledge.
I did not get this product for FREE in exchange for a review - aka barter. I paid for it.
I have no intention of slandering or libeling anyone or any product.
I am simply stating my opinions - I could be wrong - you may disagree.
My opinions are based on my experience with this product - your results may vary.
I think that about covers it - if I missed something - let me know.
I am not a lawyer - and I am just trying to cover my a$$. ;)).

This review doesn’t really fit my Standard Format -
But I will try to cover some of the same stuff -

Description -

According to the hype -

Blogger has introduced “the completely new, streamlined blogging experience that makes it easier for you to find what you need and focus on writing great blog posts.”

To which I say - CRAP!!

I don't think that is is "easier for you/me to find what you/I need" -

And I don't want to "focus on writing great blog posts" -

I want to SEW!! ;))

Where you can get it - 

It’s automatic as soon as you choose to “upgrade” -

You may change back to the “old way” -

If you go to the top of your new Dashboard -
(If you can find it - I’ll talk about that in a minute - ;))

Find the little “cog” picture to the right of “English” (on mine) -

And “left click” (LC) on the line that says “Old Blogger interface” -

But - I think that the change will be temporary -

And that the “new way” will be mandatory by the end of April.

What I LIKE about this “upgrade” -

Not much - ;))

1. I like to draft my posts in WORD - offline - and then copy/paste them to BLOGGER. In the past - I would have to copy/paste to NOTEPAD first in order to strip off all of the WORD formatting codes - then copy/paste from NOTEPAD to BLOGGER - because WORD and BLOGGER didn’t play nice.

Now I am able to copy/paste from WORD directly to BLOGGER if I am in BLOGGER - HTML mode.

That does save me a step - so that’s good.

2. Now if I am in BLOGGER - COMPOSE mode - I can insert photos where the cursor actually IS. Previously I would insert photos - and they would all go to the top of my post - it didn’t matter where the cursor was - they would all go to the top of my post. So I would switch to HTML code - find the photo I needed - and then cut/paste it where it was supposed to be.

What I DON’T like about this “upgrade” -

A whole bunch - ;))

1. The DASHBOARD is not CALLED Dashboard anymore - so if you’re looking for it - good luck!

I just happen to have a BOOKMARK for my BLOGGER DASHBOARD - so I can get to mine easily.

Why they didn’t just call it DASHBOARD - because that’s what we are looking for - is beyond me!!

Instead - you have to find the ORANGE BOX with the white “B” in it - at the top left - or the MY BLOGS right below it.

2. Everything that used to go ACROSS the screen - now goes DOWN the sides.

How that is considered an improvement is also beyond me.

It looks like they just moved stuff around - for no apparent reason.

And for me - it is NOT easier to find - and I have to spend my time trying to figure out someone else’s weird logic.

3. The font is difficult for me to read.

I would like the option to make it larger and to make it BOLD.

If anyone out there knows how to do that - PLEASE let me know!

For me - the old way was larger and much easier to read.

4. Watch out for the CALENDAR when you go to schedule your post.

It goes from MONDAY to SUNDAY.

Funny thing about calendars - mine usually go from SUNDAY to SATURDAY.

Don’t really know when Monday became the first day of the week - ;))

5. The FEEDBACK box asks that you Highlight the problem -
Describe the problem -
and to Please submit multiple problems separately.

I really don’t have that kind of time -

I would much rather SEW - ;))

Some tips and tricks -

1. If you draft a post in COMPOSE mode - there is a little arrow at the bottom of the center box - click on that and it will make the box longer - not wider - just longer - so that you can see more of what you are writing. Who knows why they didn't just make the window bigger to begin with!

2. If you draft a post in HTML mode - over on the right side - under POST SETTING - there is OPTIONS. At the bottom is LINE BREAKS - click the bubble in front of "Press "Enter" for line breaks". That will remove a BUNCH of codes from the HTML screen and make it easier to see what you are writing.

I'm working on another post about HTML codes - and a brief tutorial.

3. If you want to SCHEDULE a post to run tomorrow or the next day or on a specific date - like a holiday - over on the right side - under SCHEDULE - you can set the time and date. Type in a time - or use the drop-down menu. Be careful with the calendar, though - the days run Monday to Sunday! Most calendars that I see run Sunday to Saturday - so it looks very strange to me! And be sure to click on DONE when you are done. Then - instead of SAVING your post - which will save it in DRAFT mode - make sure you click on PUBLISH - at the top - then it will publish on the date and time you set - and show on your list of posts as SCHEDULED.

4. After you are done writing your post - click on SAVE to save the draft - PREVIEW - to see what it looks like - PUBLISH - to publish it automatically or whenever you scheduled it - or CLOSE to get back to the POSTS screen.

CLOSE - gets you back to the NEW VERSION of the DASHBOARD -
Too bad they didn’t just label the little tab DASHBOARD -
But - hey - that would have made sense - ;))

Would I recommend this “upgrade”?
NO - I much prefer the OLD BLOGGER INTERFACE
For the reasons explained above - ;))


Talk to you later - gotta go - gotta sew -

Monday, April 23, 2012

LHQSQ - Blocks - 1-12 on the wall

Check out all of us who link up with Judy L. at Patchwork Times on Mondays.
We have some awesome stuff on our walls!
Well, THEY do - ME - not so much sometimes - ;))


Note - these instructions are written in LEFTISH.
If you are right-handed - just reverse the directions.

So far -

I/you/we have made 12 Sampler Blocks -

All 12 Sampler Blocks up on the wall -

I was going for a red and neutral color palette -

Red - cream - beige - tan - brown -

But -

I'm not all that thrilled with my fabric choices so far -

And I thought about starting over -

And switching to some other fabrics -

That I found in my stash -

A more "coordinated" selection -

But maybe if I keep going -

It won't look too bad -

I think I just need more VARIETY!!

And - hey -

It's my Sampler Quilt -

So -

No one is really going to know -

That I'm making this up -

As I go along -

And that I didn't PLAN -

It this way -

Right? ;))

Talk to you later - gotta go - gotta sew -

Sunday, April 22, 2012

LHQSQ - Blocks - 11 - 12

Note - these instructions are written in LEFTISH.
If you are right-handed - just reverse the directions.

Here are TWO more 6” sampler blocks -

That you can make using -
2-1/2” squares
and HST that FINISH at 2”

Three across and three down -

Variations of the basic NINE-PATCH -

The sewn block will MEASURE 6-1/2” -

And FINISH at 6” -


Rearrange the HST again -
Add 2 more dark/mediums -
Substituting them for 2 of the mediums -

Rearrange them again -
Change out two of the dark/medium -
For a dark and an extra “different color” medium -

Talk to you later - gotta go - gotta sew -

Saturday, April 21, 2012

TUSAL - 4/21/12

I have joined over 350 other stitchers in Daffycat’s TUSAL -

A Totally Useless Stitch-A-Long

To play the game -

I have to fill my glass container -

With saved thread clippings -

Or ORTS - Old Ratty Threads -

Fabric trimmings -

Stitching cast-offs -

And then -

On the New Moon -

Take a picture of the ORTS in my jar -

Post it to my blog -

And label the Totally Useless posts with “TUSAL” -

Done - done - done - done - and done - ;))

Talk to you later - gotta go - gotta sew -

Friday, April 20, 2012

I heard it on the radio -

Remember the old line -

If you read it in the newspaper - it must be true!

Well -

If you hear it on the radio - that must be how you pronounce it!


My phone (land-line) has an answering machine attached to it -

It also has caller ID -

Which comes in real handy at times -

It also provides a bit of entertainment -

When the screen reads "Anonymous" -

And my phone tells me that -

"AH - NO - NEE - MUS" is calling -


The other day I heard it on the radio -

"AH - NO - NEE - MUS" -

Are you kidding me?!?!?

It's pronounced - "UH - NON - UH - MUS"

Someone needs to learn how to use a dictionary -

And stop taking pronunciation lessons from her phone -

But I heard it on the radio -

So that MUST be how you pronounce it - ;))

Talk to you later - gotta go - gotta sew -

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Applique Thursday - 4/19/12

This is Thursday -

And - for over a month now -

I have decided to link up with Angie -

A Quilting Reader's Garden -

on her Applique Thursdays -

Check out her blog for some wonderful applique eye-candy -

My contribution this week is from my Ellen Heck class -

QJ - Floral Applique -


And - if you are a New Reader -

Welcome!! ;))

If you would like to "catch up" on the series -

Please go to the top of the page -

Find the tab/page that says -

QJ - Floral Applique -

And start at the beginning - ;))

Talk to you later - gotta go - gotta sew -

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Blogger's New Look

Well -

My Blogger has a whole NEW look -

Not necessarily BETTER -

But sure as hell DIFFERENT -

The FIRST thing that I noticed -

Was that the stuff that used to go ACROSS the top of the page -

Now goes DOWN the left side -

Just curious -

How is that an improvement?

I know - it's just me - ;))

The SECOND thing that I noticed -

Was that the font appears to be smaller -

Than it was before -

And is no longer bold -

Which makes it harder for me to read -

I always add BOLD to my posts -

Just to make it easier to read -

For you AND me - ;))

Because if I didn't -

You would get
this - ;))

I don't know yet what other changes were made -

I wrote a couple of posts -

And scheduled them to "go live" -

In the next few days -

That should give me some time -

To find out where they PUT stuff -

And then - assuming that I can READ it -

I will continue to post - ;))

Talk to you later - gotta go - gotta sew -


Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Happy Tax Day -

Got your taxes paid yet?

Hope so -

'Cuz they are due TODAY -

Unless you got an extension - ;))

Now -

For me -

Since becoming a RETIRED CPA -

Who no longer has to worry about -

The dreaded "TAX SEASON" -

And the extra work load -

That comes with it -

One of the BEST things EVER -

Is that April 15th -
Or 16th - or 17th -


Talk to you later - gotta go - gotta sew -

Monday, April 16, 2012

LHQSQ - Blocks - 9 - 10

Check out all of us who link up with Judy L. at Patchwork Times on Mondays.
We have some awesome stuff on our walls!
Well, THEY do - ME - not so much sometimes - ;))

Note - these instructions are written in LEFTISH.
If you are right-handed - just reverse the directions.

Here are TWO more different 6” sampler blocks -

That you can make using -
2-1/2” squares
and HST that FINISH at 2”

Three across and three down -

Variations of the basic NINE-PATCH -

The sewn block will MEASURE 6-1/2” -

And FINISH at 6” -

If I take Block #8 -
A classic SNOWBALL block -

And turn the HST again -
And switch out the top - center - and bottom light middle squares -
For dark ones -
I get Block #9 -
A SPOOL block -

Turn two of the corner HST -
Substitute 4 mediums and one dark/medium -
And I get Block #10 -

Ten blocks so far -

Using only squares and HST -

Cool, huh? ;))

Talk to you later - gotta go - gotta sew -

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Tax Day - NOT!

Today is April 15 -

Usually this is Tax Day in the U.S. -

But not this year -

This year we get an additional TWO days -

Before our taxes are due -

This year our taxes are due on April 17 -

Because -

If April 15 falls on a Saturday or a Sunday -

Tax Day is observed on the next Monday -

Unless that Monday is a Holiday -

In which case -

It is observed the next working day - Tuesday -

And - this year -

TWO Holidays fall on April 16 -

Emancipation Day -

And -

Patriot’s Day -

So -

This year we had a Leap Day -

And two more days to file our taxes -

And I bet that there are still people out there -

Who will have to extend their tax returns -

Me - I already have my refund - ;))

Talk to you later - gotta go - gotta sew -


Reference -

In 1913 Tax Day, or the filing deadline, was fixed on March 1. However, it was moved to March 15 in 1918 and April 15 in 1955, where it has remained since then. If April 15 falls on a Saturday, Sunday or a civil holiday, such as Patriot's Day, the deadline is extended to the next working day. An extension due to a holiday may only affect certain states. In 2007, the residents of some states were granted an extension due to the disruption to public life in many areas caused by a huge Nor'easter storm. In some years in Washington DC, Emancipation Day may be the reason to extend the deadline for filing an income tax return (Tax Day). In 2007, the observance Emancipation Day in Washington DC had the effect of nationally extending the 2006 income tax filing deadline from April 16 to April 17. This 2007 date change was not discovered until after many forms went to print.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Liebster Blog Award

WOW! Thank you!! I don’t know what else to say - ;))

That was my response to BillieBee when she left me a comment that she had awarded me the Liebster Blog Award -

I repeat -

WOW! Thank you!! I don’t know what else to say - ;))

Now I must admit that at first I thought that it was one of those silly chain things -

So I “Googled” the Liebster Blog Award -

To see what the deal was -

And found that “Liebster” is supposed to be a German word meaning dearest, beloved, or favorite. The award’s origin is unknown but it is a chain award passed on from one blog to another to promote your favorite blogs.

You all know that I am not one to normally do chain letters or "chain" anything -

But I thought that this one was a bit different -

Small blogs get a bit of recognition from other small blogs -

Which is kinda cool if you ask me -

And with this one -

I don’t have to tell you 10 little secrets - ;))

So -

According to BillieBee -

The Liebster is given to blogs that deserve to be recognized, but have less than 200 followers. And, of course, the Award comes with just a few "rules", which are:

1) Post about your win on your blog.

This is the post -
So I got that part - ;))

2) Link back to the blogger who presented you with the award.

The blogger who presented me with the award is one of my followers -
BillieBee - BillieBee’s Blog

She always has such pretty eye candy on her blog -
I am so glad that she was awarded the Liebster Blog Award -
And that she thought of passing it along to me.
Thanks, again, BillieBee!

3) Copy and Paste the award to your blog.

Did that at the top -
And on my sidebar -
That should cover that part - ;))

4) Present the award to 5 blogs that have less than 200 followers that you think deserve to be recognized.

Aw, man!!
This is the hard part -
There are SO MANY deserving blogs out there -
How do I choose ONLY 5?

Deep breath - just do it - ;))

And just so you know -
I could have nominated a whole bunch more - ;))
But I had to limit it to 5 -

So - here goes -

In alphabetical order -

I nominate the following -

1. Julie Fukuda - My Quilter Diary - Japan

A Left-Handed Quilter who does all of her quilts BY HAND -
Absolutely beautiful work - you have to see it to believe it.

2. Katie M. - Katie and Quilts

A Right-Handed Friend of A Left-Handed Quilter -
A Queen of UFORIA - where UFOs Reside in Abundance - ;))
And a team member of The Leisurely Wife QAL.
With the same background on her blog as Julie - how cool is that?
She does amazing machine embroidery -
And is very active in the Quilts for Comfort.

3. Linda - Linda quilts

A Right-Handed Friend of A Left-Handed Quilter -
A Queen of UFORIA - where UFOs Reside in Abundance - ;))
She is always up to something and shows me HOW she does stuff - FUN!

4. Sue - Craft the Final Frontier - Australia

A Left-Handed Quilter with a great sense of humor.
She is very quirky (her word) and very crafty -
And the Lead Team Member on The Leisurely Wife QAL -
You really should visit her blog to Meet Prudence - ;))

5. Tracy - My World in a Stitch

A Left-Handed Quilter with simply wonderful stuff on her blog.
And a three-year-old - ;))

5) Let them know by leaving a comment on their blog.

I did that -
Last night - ;))

So - your turn -

You guys go check out the nominees -

And tell them I sent you - ;))

Talk to you later - gotta go - gotta sew -

Friday, April 13, 2012

Happy Friday the 13th -

I like Friday the 13th -

Some people think that it’s unlucky -

But I don’t think that it’s unlucky at all -

I think that it’s like an extra Halloween day -

In the middle of the year - ;))

And it reminds me that -

I better get going on my Halloweeny stuff -

‘Cuz it will be here before I know it -

And then comes Thanksgiving -

And CHRISTMAS!! - ;))

Talk to you later - gotta go - gotta sew -

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Applique Thursday - 4/12/12

This is Thursday -

And - for over a month now -

I have decided to link up with Angie -

A Quilting Reader's Garden -

on her Applique Thursdays -

Check out her blog for some wonderful applique eye-candy -

My contribution this week is from my Ellen Heck class -

QJ - Floral Applique -

Part V - B – NOV 2009 – JAN 2010 – LEAVESBERRIES – LEFT SIDE

And - if you are a New Reader -

Welcome!! ;))

If you would like to "catch up" on the series -

Please go to the top of the page -

Find the tab/page that says -

QJ - Floral Applique -

And start at the beginning - ;))

Talk to you later - gotta go - gotta sew -

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

LHQSQ - HSTriangle Blocks


Since posting this post -
I designed a LEFT-HANDED ruler to cut HST and QST -

No more Flippin' rulers!! -
I call it a LEFT-EZE™ Rule -
Check it out on my other blog - HERE - ;))


Another thing that I use -

To make HSTriangle blocks -

Is called “Triangles on a Roll™”

It’s really cool stuff -

I have several different sizes -

The top roll - Green -
Will make 735 -
QST - 2” finished squares

The second one - Red -
Will make 1200 -
HST - 1” finished squares

The bottom one is -
What I have left of the roll -
That makes -
HST - 2” finished squares

They come in real handy -

When I only need a couple of blocks -

And not a bunch of “multiples” -

Or you can use the Easy Angle Ruler -
Like I showed you - here -

Or you can use Triangulations -
Like I did - here -

I love how there are SO many different ways -

To do the SAME thing -

I think that is what makes quilting so much FUN -

So - try everything -

Find a method that YOU like -

And USE that one - ;))

Talk to you later - gotta go - gotta sew -

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

I did it -

I did it!

At the beginning of the New Year -

I made a little bet with myself -

I bet that -

If I really tried -

I could post a post -

Every day -

For 100 days in a row -

And I did it!

Yesterday was Day 100 -

So now I wonder -

How many more days -

I can post a post -

What will be my own personal record?

What's yours? - ;))

Talk to you later - gotta go - gotta sew -

Monday, April 9, 2012

LHQSQ - Almost forgot -

I was having so much fun -

Finding blocks -

Cutting puzzle pieces -

And laying them out -

For my LHQSQ -

That I almost forgot -

That I had to -

Actually SEW them together - ;))

So -

When I started to run out of -

My handy-dandy mini-design boards -

I sewed Block #1 and #2 -

See? ;))

Talk to you later - gotta go - gotta sew -

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter!

May you have a very nice day -

And -

May all of your Chocolate Rabbits -

Have very LONG EARS! - ;))

Talk to you later - gotta go - gotta sew -

Saturday, April 7, 2012

LHQSQ - Cutting HST - 2" Finished


Since posting this post -
I designed a LEFT-HANDED ruler to cut HST and QST -

No more Flippin' rulers!! -
I call it a LEFT-EZE™ Rule -
Check it out on my other blog - HERE - ;))


I use another die -

To cut my HST -

That will finish at 2” -

Static cling -
Makes them look crooked -
When you take the mat off -

But it will cut -
12 at a time -
And cut off the dog ears for you -

So -

If I layer four fabrics -
Dark - right side up -
Light - right side down -
Dark - right side up -
Light - right side down -

I’ll get 2 sets of 12 matched pairs -
All ready to sew -

And -

If I watch my seam allowance -
They come out pretty well - ;))

Two sets of 12 -
All sewn up -
And - bonus -
No dog-ears to trim - ;))

Talk to you later - gotta go - gotta sew -

Friday, April 6, 2012

LHQSQ - Blocks - 6 - 7 - 8

Here are THREE more 6” sampler blocks -

That you can make using -
2-1/2” squares
and HST that FINISH at 2”

Three across and three down -

Variations of the basic NINE-PATCH -

The sewn block will MEASURE 6-1/2” -

And FINISH at 6” -


If I go back to the basic NINE-PATCH - POSITIVE

And put dark/light HST in the corners -
I get a SHOO FLY block -

If I take the corner HST and turn them -
The other way -

If I change out the center dark square -
For a light one -
I get a classic SNOWBALL block -

Cool, huh?

Talk to you later - gotta go - gotta sew -

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Applique Thursday - 4/5/12

This is Thursday -

And - for over a month now -

I have decided to link up with Angie -

A Quilting Reader's Garden -

on her Applique Thursdays -

Check out her blog for some wonderful applique eye-candy -

My contribution this week is from my Ellen Heck class -

QJ - Floral Applique -

Part V - A - NOV 2009 – JAN 2010 – LEAVES/BERRIES – RIGHT SIDE

And - if you are a New Reader -

Welcome!! ;))

If you would like to "catch up" on the series -

Please go to the top of the page -

Find the tab/page that says -

QJ - Floral Applique -

And start at the beginning - ;))

Talk to you later - gotta go - gotta sew -

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

LHQSQ - Cutting 2-1/2" Squares

I cut my 2-1/2" squares -

Using a die -

This particular die was one of seven -

That I had replaced -

Recently -

After six weeks -

And -

This new one -

Isn’t nearly as bad -

As my 2” one -

And actually works -

The way -

It’s supposed to - ;))

It will cut 9 squares -
At a time -

And -

If I stack 4 layers -

I get -

4 stacks of 9 squares -

Which really speeds things up - ;))

Talk to you later - gotta go - gotta sew -

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Saving Fabric

I got an email from a reader a while back -

She was talking about some fabric that she was going to use - but didn’t -

It read - in part -

...Really, I love it so much I'm kinda glad I didn't get to use it. I feel the same way about the green I'll be using for the border and one of the yellows, but my stash of fabrics is never going to get any smaller if I keep hoarding it and this quilt will go to someone I like and be used and loved, so I keep telling myself it's okay...


Do you do that?

Hoard fabric?

I KNOW that I do -

And then I got to thinking -


Why do I hoard my BEST fabric?

What am I saving it FOR?

Then I remembered the old joke -

USE your stash -
because your husband’s next wife is going to sell it for 50 cents at a yard sale -


My BEST fabric should go into my BEST quilts -

And my BEST quilts are the ones that I am making RIGHT NOW** -

Not the ones that I may NEVER make -

Because there are sure to be plenty of quilts that I won't “get to” before I die -

And that BEST fabric will still be sitting on my shelf -

Just waiting for a yard sale -

So -

New rule -

Use your BEST fabric - while you still can!

Talk to you later - gotta go - gotta sew -

**Hopefully (full of hope) I'm not making my WORST quilts RIGHT NOW - ;))

Monday, April 2, 2012

LHQSQ - Blocks - 4 - 5

OK -

Here are TWO more 6” sampler blocks -

That you can make using -
2-1/2” squares
and HST that FINISH at 2”

Three across and three down -

Variations of the basic NINE-PATCH -

The sewn block will MEASURE 6-1/2” -

And FINISH at 6” -


If I take the Nine-Patch Negative -
and just change out the corners -

Make some other substitutions -
And I get an ATTIC WINDOW -

Talk to you later - gotta go - gotta sew -

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Happy April Fool's Day!

Happy April Fool’s Day!!

Blogger has said that it is “getting a new look in April”.

At least that’s what it said -

At the top of my dashboard -

When I wrote this post - ;))

So WHO knows -

WHAT this post -

Will LOOK like - ;))

I don’t know about you -

But BOB and I wish -

That they would just -


BOB and I get SO tired -

Of things changing -

Just because they CAN!

Don’t get us wrong -

We are all FOR change -

Change is a good thing -

Usually -


It wasn’t broke -


But - of course -

BOB and I are sure -

That they are “improving” it -

And - of course -

It’s all for “our" convenience -

When it really feels like -

They are changing it -

For "their" convenience -

And -

Because they have -

Nothing better to do - ;))

So - maybe - just maybe -

It’s an April Fool joke -

But it probably isn’t - ;))

Talk to you later - gotta go - gotta sew -

P.S. PICNIK is closing down on April 19th - anybody know what's going to replace it -
or will we have to edit our photos BEFORE we upload them to PICASA?


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