Friday, October 19, 2012

LHQSQ - Block #60

Another 6” sampler block -

That you can make using -

2-1/2” squares -

And anything else -

That finishes at 2” -

Three across and three down -

Variations of the basic NINE-PATCH -

The sewn block will MEASURE 6-1/2” -

And FINISH at 6” -


Block #60 - Time & Tide

I know that my points/corners are not perfect in this block -

There are a LOT of seams coming together in those corners -

And I DID think about trying to fix them -

For about two minutes - ;))

And then I decided -

That it was the best that I could do at the time -

And that if anyone wanted to waste spend their time -

Trying to find THIS particular block in the finished quilt -

In order to criticize ponder the imperfect points -

That they could go right ahead - ;))

And that I had other Squirrels to attend to - ;))

Talk to you later - gotta go - gotta sew -

1 comment:

Linda in Arkansas said...

I'm not finding fault with any of your points! I do really like the block. And boy howdy have I ever been there - some blocks/points are not worth fixing. No one will notice but the quilt police!


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