Monday, March 5, 2018

Cheddar Crumb Squares sides -

And corners are all cut - and I think the darker orange tone-on-tone will look just fine when it is all sewn together. The top ones are too high to put up on the wall - but you get the idea -

I really didn't get much sewing done since Saturday - I was too upset about my missing mail. I appreciate all of the input - several heads working together are much better than just mine - LOL. And I forgot to mention that I had put a "mail hold" on my mail asking that it be delivered on Saturday - so I was expecting a week's worth of mail AND the Amazon package - then -


I waited for the mail lady this afternoon (Monday) to ask her what happened to my Saturday mail - and when she came - she explained that she was off on Saturday - and the substitute mail carrier forgot about delivering the mail that was on "hold" - so it was still at the post office over the weekend - all safe and sound.

She gave me ALL of my mail - including the Amazon package - 😁😁😁😁😁

Like one of my friends said - "Sometimes things just work out the easy way. I'm glad that's the case this time."

Yeah - me, too!! -

I would much rather SEW than worry about getting my mail delivered - ;))

Talk to you later - gotta go - gotta sew -


Gene Black said...

That is a relief - missing mail is no fun as you never know what may have been in there that you need.

Christina said...

It's divine with the cheddar! And I agree what a great setting!


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