Thursday, April 4, 2019

Pressing -

And sewing together -

The three "cut and kitted" blocks in the Autumn colors -

That I had "un-sewn" the other day -

Was about all my still fuzzy brain could handle today -

I'm not quite out of chicken soup yet -

But I should probably stock up again -

Before I run out completely - LOL - ;))

Talk to you later - gotta go - gotta sew -


Gene Black said...

When you aren't feeling well, sewing something simple is a nice way to be productive and not stressed.

Katie said...

For a fuzzy brain, those look good to me! Sorry to hear you're still not feeling better, though. I'll be playing nurse here to my hubby, as he came home sick last night. I hope the both if you feel better because I know you're itching to quilt...him because, well, man-illnesses are difficult!

Sherry said...

Oh boy, still now feeling good. . .I'm sorry to hear that.

Your blocks look very pretty.

Hope the chicken soup lasts longer than the fuzzy brain.

Barb said...

Hope you feel better soon, I am surprised you are even sewing.


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