Monday, September 18, 2023

An experiment -

My Northern Woods Bargello
Will be an experiment - 
Since I'm not sure how this will turn out - 
With only two repeats of the fabrics - 
But when I'm done - 
I'll know if I need to adjust anything - 
Before I tackle the other one - 
So - out of curiosity - and for a mini-preview - 
I put the center strip up on the design wall - 
Along with the sewn foursies on each side - 
I haven't pressed anythng yet - 
So they don't stick to the wall very well -
And look sort of twisted in the photo - 

I can't really tell yet - 
I may or may not have positioned the ORANGE one in a "good" place -
And it may or may not cut the pattern in half -

But it's too late now -
We'll just have to wait to see how it turns out - ;))

Talk to you later - gotta go - gotta sew - 


Gene Black said...

Relax! it will all be fine in the end.

Jeanna said...

I agree with Gene :)


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