Saturday, June 13, 2020

Testing - new BloGGer -

I don't particularly like -

Change for the sake of change -

Especially new computer "techy" stuff -

It's not usually any better -

It's just different - ;))

"They" say -
Blogger has been introducing some fresh pages that work well on mobile.
Leave us feedback by clicking the Help icon in the top bar.
That might be true -

But I don't care about "fresh pages that work well on mobile" -

I read my favorite blogs and write my posts using my laptop -

And you may not really want BOB to leave you any feedback - LOL - ;))

But I thought I would take a look -

Just to what was what - ;))

Some of the things that I noticed -

#1 - There's a whole LOT of wasted white space in the new format -

#2 - I also saw a whole LOT of extra HTML code in my DRAFT -
Bold "brackets" code with nothing to BOLD between them - and DIV codes -

#3 - AFTER I finally saw the CREATE NEW POST button in the bottom right corner -
It's an ORANGE circle with a WHITE "+" in the middle of it -
Like I'm supposed to know what THAT means -
In the LAST place I looked - LOL - ;))

#4 - Then I tried to see if I could add a photo -

HA!! - I did it!! -

So after I figured out where my photos WERE -
that little black box with the white "mountain" looking thingy in it -
up there at the top right - in Compose mode -
to the left of the smiley face -
(which looks like it's for special characters - not emojis) -
clicked on that -
then - under PHOTOS -
I found one - and "Selected" it -
And it put it where the CURSOR was - NOT at the top -
Which is actually a NICE feature!! - LOL - ;))

I haven't found my "Comments Awaiting Moderation" yet -

But another thing about the NEW BloGGer that I didn't like -

In the listing of my POSTS -

The buttons USED to be EDIT - PREVIEW - DELETE -

I could EDIT - then PREVIEW - then DELETE it if I didn't like it -

The NEW way - has icons - instead of words -
And the TRASHCAN for DELETE your post is BEFORE the EYE to PREVIEW it -

Instead of AFTER it like the OLD way -

So I need to be sure to SKIP it when I want to PREVIEW my post -

I wonder how many times I would accidentally delete something -

That took me hours to write/edit/link -

I promise you -

BOB will NOT be a happy camper if/when I do - LOL - ;))

And if the cavemen used PICTURES in their caves -

Before we developed the written WORD and LANGUAGE -

Aren't we RE-gressing if we're going from WORDS BACK to PICTURES? -

Asking for a friend - LOL - ;))

"They" also say -
The legacy (OLD way) interface will still be optionally available.
Which is good -

Because I'll probably use the "legacy interface" for as long as I can -

Since it ain't broke -

And I still know how to read - LOL - ;))

Talk to you later - gotta go - gotta sew -


Barbara said...

I’m a legacy user as well, and I won’t be changing anything in this day of spam. I’m going to get to the point where I either leave blogger completely or open a new blog. The spam is never-ending. If I open a new one, it will not be a new version, same old, same old is my choice too. Except for the spam!

Gene Black said...

Have you found how to change it back? Or am I stuck with the "new and improved" version? It reminds me of "New Coke" - no-one liked it.

Gene Black said...

Oh, I found the revert! Yaay.

Linda Swanekamp said...

I usually write a couple posts at a time. Then, I go back and publish them days apart. When I did that, and resaved/edited the post, the date would change and it would push ahead of the last posted one. Now, I cannot get the date to change on the post to be the current one. My biggest complaint on the new.

Gail said...

I found myself saying "yes" to most everything you wrote. Eg. New technology is rarely new, it's just a different format. And the love affair technology has with icons. As I wrote in a feedback questionnaire to McDonalds, the pictures make me feel like a 3 year old. We need words.

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I had trouble finding the new post button too......I have figured out just about everything in the new one and the only thing I haven't been able to do is put my photo to the left and put the cursor to the right of it for my words. Now my words have to be all the way across either above or below the photos. Legacy version is going away at the end of July so we won't be able to revert back after that.

Katie said...

Who the hell writes posts on their phone? I write comments and do you know how many words I have to delete and correct spelling for becauae either autocorrect does it wrong, autocorrect doesn't catch it, or I catch it before it gets that far? Like all of them. So who would use that option for a WHOLE POST when you can use a keyboard where your fingers are small enough to only hit one key at a time...usually...? I'm no fan of the change. But I would be more understanding if they'd just own up and say "this is easier to maintain" or "we can't pay our code monkeys enough to keep up with the current version" or something more truthful. Well crap. BOB is here. Obviously.

Katie said...

Oh look. Proved myself right with the autocorrect missing a word. Happy day.

Barbara said...

You are so funny! And so is everyone else. Came back with a second comment just to say that?��

Julie Fukuda said...

I have been seeing "try the new blogger"for quite a while. Then I saw the message that the "new blogger" was going to take over at the end of the month and so I went to have a look. UGHHH, I am not looking forward to THAT change. I went back to the old one that I know how to use. I will not be a happy camper with those changes!

Jeanna said...

I tried the new Blogger but quickly changed back to the original. Maybe I'll give it a try again...another day.


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