Thursday, May 12, 2022

U/D - Pastel Brights - Sorting Sets 5-6-7-8 -

The other day I showed how I sorted Sets 1-2-3-4 - 
We need four more sets - 

But we want the "mix" of the fabrics - 

To be a little different - 

So I sorted these a different way - 


SORTING SETS 5-6-7-8 - 

Taking two jelly rolls - 
Unroll them and lay them out - 
As they come off the roll - 
With the fold the right - 
The loose ends on the left - 
And the BLUE one on top -

So far - it's the same as before - 
But this time - 
Shift the two piles vertically - 

Then - taking the left pile -
"Deal" the strips like a deck of cards-
Into four piles - 1-2-3-4-

Take the next four - 
And add them to the piles - 1-2-3-4-

And the next four - 

And the next four -

And the last four from the first jelly roll - 

Do the same with the second jelly roll - 
Until all of the strips have been "dealt" out - 

Now - 
Re-arrange the strips in each pile - 
Both BLUE together - 
Both YELLOW together - 
Both GREEN together - 
Both PURPLE together - 
Both PINK together - 

When I did that last step - 
I realized that the BLUE and PINK in each SET - 
Showed up in the SAME sets as in the first four that we sorted before - 
I didn't want ANY duplicates - 
So I decided to mix up the PINK ones - 
Here's how I did it -
Take the PINK ones off pile #4 - and set them to the side - 

Then shift the PINK ones - from each pile - over one pile to the right - 

Then put the PINK ones that were set aside from pile #4 - on the first pile -

There - 
Four  new sets - 
Same colors - in the same order - 
Different mix of fabrics - 
Number them 5-6-7-8 -

Put them in separate baggies - 

And add them to the basket or box - 

Yesterday - 

I showed how I sew the strata in each set -
How I cut them into segments - 
And how I sewed the tubes - and the blocks - 
When I get ALL of the blocks sewn - 
I'll show you how I do the layout -  ;))
Talk to you later - gotta go - gotta sew - 

1 comment:

Gene Black said...

Am I understanding correctly that you are using the same color layout, but that you are mixing up the patterns in each color?


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