Wednesday, April 15, 2020

More parts -

Of blocks -

For my TT-Confetti quilt -

And the pressed piles - sorted -

The FIRST pile on the LEFT in the top row is NEUTRALS -
that I can use in quilts -

The SECOND pile in the top row is PURPLES -
that I may or may not want to use in quilts -
so tomorrow I'll audition those for my other project -

Then I'll show you the other piles as I audition them -

I'm still waiting for "parts" -

So I still have time to decide which ones I want to use - ;))

Talk to you later - gotta go - gotta sew -


Gene Black said...

It is always fun to see what fabrics other people have in their stash. I really like that purple stack. The top left purple one looks interesting. i also like that top blue one-that looks like a shibori dyed fabric, but I suspect is a print.

Katie said...

Fun fabrics, but this illustrates perfectly my trouble with purples! So many shades. I don't think any other color has so many shades that refuse to play nicely with each other as purple. But it makes me itch to go sew soon as I finished reading blogs!


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