Friday, December 16, 2022

One more -

Really long seam - 
And the top will be done - 

Unless I add an extra "panel" at the bottom - 

To make sure it's long enough to cover the "base" - 

But I'll decide that tomorrow -
In any case - 
I'm almost "there" - ;))

Talk to you later - gotta go - gotta sew - 


Gene Black said...

This is the "experiment" quilt, right? I think I used some of that same black/red/white fabric on my nephew's graduation quilt. I look forward to seeing this one quilted.

Katie said...

You are truly making the most of your new toy! I'm interested to see how the experiment comes out. I'm also probably going to quilt today. It feels right and I've found the tutorial for the woodgrain-ish tutorial. Now I just have to get dressed...more or less..."daytime pajamas" are what the internet had taught me to call my sweatpants and t-shirt that I wear on days I'm not going anywhere. (Why would one dress any fancier?!)


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