Saturday, May 6, 2023

Redo -

My Imperial Bargello was one of the quilts - 
That I quilted when I was having tension issues - 
And I thought that I had solved part of the problem - 
By using YELLOW thread on both the top and in the bobbin - 
But I really don't like the YELLOW thread on the back - 

And - since I have solved the tension issues - 
I have decided to REDO the quilting on this one - 
One step at a time - 
I rigged up a "zipper" attachment since it had already been quilted and trimmed - 
And did a "test session" after un-sewing a few rows - 

I used YELLOW thread on the top - 

And BLACK in the bobbin - 
And liked the results - 

It's not perfect - 
And I can still see little YELLOW "pokies"on the back -
But it is a WHOLE lot better than all of that YELLOW thread - 

The plan is to un-sew every other row - 

Then load the quilt and re-quilt those rows - 

Unzip it and un-sew the remaining "other" rows - 

Then re-quilt those - 

"Every other row" should be enough to keep the batting in place - 

Until I get it all re-quilted - 

BOB thinks I'm nuts - 

But I don't care -
This quilt is too pretty to "let it go" - 

And "un-sewing" is relaxing to me - 

In this case - the crappy tension actually helps me - 

Since the bobbin thread is just "sitting there" - 

And is easy to pull up and rip out - 

The only thing that is taking me some time - 

Is the fact that there are so many lines to un-stitch - 

And that they are so dang long --
According to the "stitch count" on my machine - 
My Imperial Bargello has 81098 stitches - 
Now I wish I hadn't looked that up - LOL - ;))

Talk to you later - gotta go - gotta sew - 


Linda Swanekamp said...

Wow, I can understand why you are doing it, I am glad it is not me. Of all the sewing tasks, ripping out is my least desirable. I am sure it will be worth it.

Katie said...

Crazy or not, this is your quilt and if you think it needs to be done, then it does. I think the every other method will work nicely so long as you can keep track of which row is which! (Should be easy if the tension is wonky, right?) Good luck?!

Gene Black said...

I think this is a good thing to do. The quilt will stay quilted now.
I think those little pokies will probably disappear once it is washed. (I always wash functional quilts before anyone else gets them - preferably soon after I finish the quilt. )


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