Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Beige -

Was next in the line-up - 
For quilting my "Basic Math" quilt - 
I decided to do Lazy 8s or Wishbones - 

In the Beige rectangles - 

I love the texture - 
And I'm getting better at getting them the same size - 
But they don't "slant" very much - 
So I might try that with a different color - 
In the meantime - 
I thought I'd share a photo - 
Of one of my favorite coffee mugs -

In case you can't read it all - 

It says -
Coffee:  the "nine to 
five keep me awake -
calm my nerves -
perk me up so I can
work" medicine.
I have a variety of coffee mugs on my desk - 
I use them to hold my paperclips - pens - and camera cord - 
And then there's RED - 
He holds my COFFEE - of course - LOL - ;))
Talk to you later - gotta go - gotta sew - 


Gene Black said...

I have to laugh at your coffee mugs. I have several also that people have given me over the years. My two morning coffee mugs both came as gifts from trips. One is a Hawaii mug that my Brother & Wife brought from their trip. The other is a "Running of the Bulls" mug from Spain. I got it when I house/pet sat while some friends went to Spain.

Linda Swanekamp said...

Nice quilting- a great rhythm going.

Barbara said...

I love the fabrics you are quilting. Quilting is great as well!


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