Saturday, October 3, 2020

Plan C -

Swapped out the "PINK" for another batik - 

With a variety of different colors - ;))

I cut a couple of strips to make some of the larger HST -

For Gene's HST Medallion Quilt -

Using my LEFT-EZE™ Rule

Put the "darker" one on bottom -

Trimmed the selvedge -

First cut - black tip of the ruler at the top of the strip set - 

Cut UP the LEFT side of the ruler -

Turn the ruler so you can read "This way for a STRAIGHT cut" -

Black tip of the ruler at the bottom of the strip - 

Cut UP the LEFT side of the ruler -

Turn the pieces over so the "darker" one is on top - 

And the FLAT edge is at the top -

Sew from the FLAT edge to the pointy end -

Press to the "darker" side -

Measure it - 

And I have ONE dog-ear to trim -

It doesn't get much easier than that, folks! - 

No cutting a square first and then trimming it down - 

No paper to remove - 

Just cut it - sew it - press it - 

Trim ONE dog-ear -

And you're DONE - ;))

I had more "chores" today - so I didn't get very many sewn - 

But tomorrow is another day - LOL - ;))

Talk to you later - gotta go - gotta sew - 



Gene Black said...

Ooooh, I do like this choice better. Bonus points, because it adds a bit more contrast.

Barbara said...

No matter which batiks you choose, I love it!

Linda Swanekamp said...

Wish I could see the colors in person because it is hard to see if the values contrast enough. Nice lesson.


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