Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Quilted -

My Upstairs/Downstairs - Christmas Green
Is quilted -  
YAY!! -  

It looks like I have reached the limit - 
As far as throat space is concerned - 
The needle is at the edge of the last row - 
And the "take-up" roll is right up against the back of the machine - 
So I won't be able to quilt complete blocks on the second quilt - 
As the "take-up" roll slowly reduces my "workspace" - 
So tomorrow I'm going to try an experiment - 
I want to take the first quilt off the frame - 
Before I quilt the second quilt - 
But I don't want to have to unroll all of the backing from the front rail -
In order to baste another zipper to the top edge - 
I could pin a zipper on - but that would be a pain (for me) -
And I will do that - as a last resort - 
If my experiment doesn't work - 
Stay tuned - LOL - ;))
Talk to you later - gotta go - gotta sew - 


Gene Black said...

It will be interesting to see what your experiment is.
I know that someone (don't remember who) staples the zipper on. The thing I wouldn't like about that is removing the staples.

Sue said...

Yay! Congrats on finishing the quilting. Looking forward to seeing the results of your experiment.

Katie said...

Hooray for the finish, boo for the grand plan of two at once not working as planned. I hope your experiment works!


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