Friday, June 15, 2018

A little more sewing -

And a little more pressing -

And then -

Oops - that ain't right - LOL - ;))

OK - fixed it -

Then sewed one of the "Alternate" blocks together -

And I LIKE IT!! -

Then I sewed one of the "Regular/Blue" blocks together -

If I press to the "Blue" on both blocks -

The seams will nest nicely when I go to sew them together in rows -

So I made five alternate blocks and five "Blue" ones -

And then decided to "assembly line" the rest of the "Blue" ones - ;))

Got them all sewn together in rows of three -

Tomorrow is more pressing and sewing the blocks together -

At this rate I may be able to finish the alternate blocks this weekend -

Unless I wind up doing "chores" instead - ;))

Talk to you later - gotta go - gotta sew -


Gene Black said...

Looking good. Are you going to "checkerboard" these two blocks? Or is it for something else? I am behind on reading blogs.

Jeanna said...

Very nice blocks. I had to laugh at the first photo...teehee. That is something I would do.


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