Monday, January 13, 2020

Sorting scraps -

Is always fun - ;))

I started with the solids -

And I played -

And sorted them by color -

Some are really close - and just a shade different -

So pretty -

Then I pulled a baggie of greens -

That I wanted to sort -

Light - medium - dark -

And I went about it very scientifically -

NOT!! - LOL - ;))

We all know that "value" is relative -

"Medium" can be "dark" when next to "lights"-

And "light" when next to "darks" -

So I did it the best way I knew how -

I sorted out the "lightEST" ones -

The "darkEST" ones -

Some with a bit of "blue" -

Some "oddballs" -

And what was left were the "mediums" - LOL - ;))

I did a little more tweaking -

And when I finally got this -

I put them all in their own little baggies -

And back into another bigger bag - ;))

Monday I go back to playing with paperwork and doing chores -

So we'll see if I can get some more sorted later -

I don't really have to SEW to have fun -

Sometimes just petting and sorting scraps -

Is all I need to make me happy - LOL - ;))

Talk to you later - gotta go - gotta sew -


Gene Black said...

Ha ha. Occasionally I will take my big batik box out and resort it- just because I like holding the fabrics.

Sue said...

Petting fabric is a hobby in itself.

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

It looks like you are having sew much fun with those scraps!!


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