Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Done -


Is better than perfect - LOL - ;))


All twelve potholders are DONE!! - YAY!! -

I sure hope she likes them - 

I don't have any idea how she plans to clean them - 

The upholstery fabric samples probably aren't "washable" -  

So I don't think she can just toss them in the washing machine -

But the table topper idea didn't work -

So we decided to make potholders instead - 

She is a VERY special friend -

Otherwise I wouldn't even bother - ;))

After dinner I wanted to play with my watercolors - 

So I pulled out one of my new toys - 

"The Joy of Watercolor" - © 2018 - Emma Block - 

She has a lesson called "Blue Hydrangeas" - 

Her version - 

 My version - LOL - ;)) 


I didn't have the same colors she used - 

And I got a little carried away with the flowers - 

So I had to add another leaf to balance it out - 

And my "vase" is crooked - 

But - not that bad - for a beginner -

NOTE TO SELF - if you're going to paint leaves - do them all at the same time - because if you try to add one later - you'll never be able to match the color you mixed in the first place - or call it a "design choice" and pretend that you really meant to do it that way all along - LOL - ;))

Talk to you later - gotta go - gotta sew -  



Sue said...

That's a good looking set of potholders. Your vase of flowers looks great. I'm out on the back porch looking at the leaves on the branch of a tree....they are different shades of green. It looks like you are learning a lot and are having fun doing it. I'm glad you are sharing it with us.

Gene Black said...

Those potholders are finally finished! Yaay. I am afraid she will toss them in the washer and they will not do well.

The vase of flowers looks better than "not that bad for a beginner."

Barbara said...

I agree, the potholders and vase of flowers look great! You have natural watercolor painting ability!


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